Kip's Commentary

80% Attitude by Volume. P.S. All original comentary and content Copyright 2005, 2006 :P

Location: Somewhere, North Carolina, United States

“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot.” ~ D.H. Lawrence

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Part II

And As If There Wasn’t Enough Ranting In This Entry:

I heard this while radio surfing the other day and it just ticked me off.

Girls lie, too
We don’t care how much money you make
What you drive or what you weigh
Size don’t matter anyway
Girls lie, too
Don’t think you’re the only ones
Who bend it, break it, stretch it some
We learn from you
Girls lie, too
~ Terri Clark

I’d like to personally thank Terri Clark for stereotyping women as shallow mercenary b*tches. No wonder most of southern men I have encountered has such a crappy attitudes about women.

A. How much money a man makes doesn’t matter so long as he is actually dong something he loves. A man living his passions is ten times more interesting than a man who is just collecting a paycheck to make car payments on a flashy car and a house in the right zip code.

What is a more interesting dinner conversation? “I pushed more paper today. Our profit margin was up.” vs. “We got the contract to build the new children’s center! Isn’t that great?” or “Let me tell you about some of the customers we had at the bar last night. You’re not going to believe this…”

A wise man once told me: “You are going to spend a lot more time in a relationship talking than you are screwing, so you had better find someone you like to talk with.”

B. Speaking of the flashy car, I assume everyone here has heard of “compensating”?

C. What they weigh? Considering how some women pack on the pounds once they have a guy locked in, I think that’s a little hypocritical, don’t you think? Personally, I like a man with a little meat on him anyway. Besides: good natured and chunky vs. narcissistic and buffed out. Hrmmm, tough choice. *rolleyes*

D. Get a clue. Size does not matter. Having slept with guys who were practically as big as my forearm and guys who were under the official 6” average I can say with compete assurance that the smaller guys were actually much more satisfying as sexual partners. Why? Because they A. cared weather I was having a good time or not and B. didn’t rely on their wonder wand to do the work for them. Size has nothing to do with enthusiasm, skill, caring and the ability to get a woman to really open up and drop her inhibitions.

And for matter, men can stop asking about it too. Your insecurity is tiresome.

Do women lie? Yes. Everyone tells little white lies. It’s called civility. It's how society keeps from collapsing into anarchy as people start bringing guns to work. Being brutally honest in a relationship *all* the time is destructive as we all deal with enough competition and obstructions in our daily lives outside the relationship. We want to come home to somewhere safe and that means being accepted for who we are, not being constantly criticized for it. Certainly not criticized over the shallow crap outlined by this song. If you're going to take issue over something your partner does you do it over something that matters, not nit-picking. If you really have as many petty issues with your partner as outlined in the entirety of this song, then maybe you shouldn’t be in that relationship.

Gods, the entire reverse-sexism thing just gets on my nerves!


That's the real deal.

Quakers Pray for Tom Fox's Murderers.

That's...that's what Christ was talking about right there...That's Christianity.

My prayers go to Mr. Fox's family and friends and with his community in their endevors for peace. My the Divine bring them all much needed comfort. I'm not Christian so I do not have to pray for his killers, but I admire those that can.

On the Home Front.

It’s Spring Break! Huz-ZAH!

Last week was pretty crazy, multiple exams and an essay due, but I’m pretty sure I pulled it all out. I had originally planned on going on a week-long sea kayaking trip down in GA, but since only two people signed up it was canceled.

That’s fine, it gives me time to work on my History Term paper. Since it is for my North Carolina History Course it will give me a chance to explore the state a bit.

Weather was quite hot and pleasant today, reminded me of a summer in Maine. That warm cozy humidity that hangs out after the sun goes down, encouraging hanging out on the dock after dark, conversing in the darkness and enjoying the quiet lap of waves on the beach.

And Now For Something Completely Different…

Props to Farker waivon

Good luck to Elliott, Dale, Mark and their teams tmorrow!


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