Kip's Commentary

80% Attitude by Volume. P.S. All original comentary and content Copyright 2005, 2006 :P

Location: Somewhere, North Carolina, United States

“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot.” ~ D.H. Lawrence

Saturday, March 11, 2006

I'm Too Verbose...

When I wrote out my latest blog entry, it became five pages long, so I'm splitting it up into two entries.

On with the show...

Milosevec Found Dead in His Cell

BBC Story

Too bad, I would have liked to have seen him punished for his crimes. But I guess no one in Serbia is going to cry over it.

James Bond goes…American?

First BMWs and now…Ford?

Granted, my driver is a Ford driver, but this is Bond...James Bond. Have Aston Martins really gotten so horrible?

The Heresy! Heresy I tell you!

It’s not even that flash.

Can Someone Explain To Me...

Why, when we are actively helping India with their nuclear program and have given our full approval to Pakistan’s nuclear program, are we getting in Iran’s face about it?

Russia Suggests New Iran Nuclear Talks

“If that does not happen, Bolton and other senior American officials have suggested Washington might look elsewhere to punish Iran _ possibly by rallying its allies to impose targeted sanctions.”

I don’t get it…

However, I Will Give Credit Where Credit Is Due:

U.S. Employers Add 243,000 Jobs.

It’s a drop in the bucket considering the Unemployment Rate and I wonder what type of jobs these are. Retail? Fast food restaurants? Other jobs that actually cannot support a person, let alone a family? But it is something. Something good.

Though I don’t see why the Fed must necessitate raising the rate in response to rise in wages? Why not leave them alone for a year or so to help the American people recover?

This entire “debt oriented society” bothers me. Debt is not longer simply acceptable, we are supposed to have it. Without having some sort of debt we are blocked from buying homes, cars, getting emergency loans. People who live within their income levels actually have a harder time getting loans when they need it than those that have engaged in revolving debt for their entire adult lives. What is wrong with this picture? What happens in a major economic crisis. I mean, granted, the safeties the Fed has built into the system will keep another Black Monday from affecting everyone in the nation, but still…Is it really wise to have the entire country in debt?

I’m not an economist, but it sure as heck sounds like a recipe for disaster to me. Why not leave the rates alone for a while and help Americans get out of debt by not changing the playing field underneath them?

Pet Lesson #1:

When they don’t want to go to the vet, they really don’t want to go to the vet.

Bush Bemoans Fall out on Dubai Ports World Deal

Poor Bay-Bee

(Thanks Andrea for the tip off)

UAE’s spotty terrorism record aside, and I will grant they have become much more cooperative with our hunt for terrorists since 9-11, no one, and I mean no one, not even the English, should be running major security check points into the U.S. except Americans. It’s not about islam-phobia, it’s about being stupid.

We would not want China or North Korea to own O’Hare airport would we? We would not want Mexico running our border security would we? Then why is it O.K. to have anyone but us running our ports through which million of containers pass everyday into this country?

And I think the people at Dubai Ports would be smart enough realize that Bush is simply reaping the own rewards of his fear mongering. He tells American that we are in a war of ideals between east and west and then goes and kisses King al Suad on the cheek. Playing both sides against the middle was bound to bite him in the ass at some point. Though I see from this article, he is playing it to their face that it all the American populaces fault for being bigots for wanting tight border security in today’s world.

"The notion that the U.S. discriminates against Arabs in general is already widespread, and now we're facing a situation where people feel the same anti-Arab sentiment is being applied to companies," said Rochdi Younsi, a Middle East analyst with the Eurasia Group, a Washington consulting firm.”

What a prick!

I should also think they would be smart enough to realize that no one of any country in their right mind would consider having a foreign nation control 6 massive entry points into their country o.k. If the UAE wants to buy a car manufacturer or a software company, by all means, have at it. But not our ports!

I mean, 80% of the terminals of the Port of Los Angeles are controlled by foreign companies and this is the kind of crap Immigration has to deal with there.

I know it sucks for them having gone through weeks of hell to get here and then be just shipped back, Gods only know what will await them on Chinese soil, but this is just an example of how permeable our security already is. Those were people who had to leave the containers. What if they didn’t have to and could have made it all the way to Denver or Phoenix in the container via train, like a bomb could?

Some Congressional Republicans expressed frustration Friday that the ports controversy focused on foreign ownership and not on port security.

"I wanted a rational dialogue about it, but I just saw some of my colleagues just becoming rabid, so I backed away," said Rep. Christopher Shays (R-Conn.), a critic of the ports deal.

Of course it focused on foreign ownership, that way they can guilt trip us into letting them control our ports. If you discuss something with as much common sense as national security that won’t get them anywhere will it? The fact that they made this about foreign ownership without addressing the security issues alone indicates how shady this deal is.

I am all for globalization, but not at the cost to the American public. I can even deal with it if the cost if our insanely materialistic standard of living comes down a notch of two if it improves the standard of living world wide. It’s bound to happen and if hey, if a bunch of kids here have to give up their x-boxes or a bunch of Yuppies have to give up their pristine Lexus SUV’s so that kids in Africa can have a decent meal everyday and access to some decent health care, I’m all for it. But this was just leaving the door open to destruction. This was seriously not cool.

It's Utterly Partisian But....

Funny as hell: Ask a Republican. (Should really be titled "Ask a NeoConservative")

To Be Continued...


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