Kip's Commentary

80% Attitude by Volume. P.S. All original comentary and content Copyright 2005, 2006 :P

Location: Somewhere, North Carolina, United States

“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot.” ~ D.H. Lawrence

Sunday, February 12, 2006


It like totally snowed!


Seriously, it was just a few light flurries, nothing stuck, but my delight was entire. It’s been…probably a decade since I have seen snow? Loved it.

Of course I’m not a few states north where they got dumped on, so I can say that. :D

o/~I don’t have to shovel it….o/~

That one’s for the family still in the Home State, but best wishes to all who got dumped on…

So I’m taking a break studying for a History of North Carolina Exam to drop in a say Hell to you all.


Dammit it!

I couldn’t get my bunny ears to work so I missed the opening ceremonies to the Olympics. I love the Olympics. We watched them religiously every fours year as I was growing up. I think much of my notions of the potential good of humanity came from those four year rituals of the Opening and Closing ceremonies. Call me idealistic, but even after doping scandals and handing the coverage off to NBC *gag*, I still love them.

Especially the downhill. No pansy figure skating for me. Guys and gals whipping down a ski slope at 95 + mph on a pair of slats. *Yeah!* And skeleton. And bob sleds…and anything to do with speed really.

Speaking of Speed…

I may be out of the immediate loop, but I checked in on the Shootout today.

Congrats to Dale for a strong 2nd place finish, great way to start the year! Sorry I missed he and Smoke duking it out.

I’m hoping that the fact that Tommy Baldwin was brought on late is the cause of Elliott 13th place finish and things will improve steadily as the year goes on

And good job Mark for 7th after being punted by Kyle (the little f*ckwit).

And what’s this I hear about Knauss cheating again? Naughty, naughty Chad! Someone really should hire that guy. As annoying as it is on Mini-me’s team, that is what a crew chief is supposed to do: exploit the grey areas. And Chad’s damn clever.

And Jeff Burton, way to go on the pole! Maybe the Childress teams will be someone to contend with this year. Aw-right!

Oooo. It’s Gonna Hit the Fan…

U.S. Government Failed on Katrina

I wonder how far they will go to bury this in the news here. Rebuilding the Gulf Coast doesn’t seem to be a priority either.

The Bush administration doesn’t give a rats *ss about the American people. Clinton, I know so many curse his name, but Clinton made FEMA an effective agency of the government. Look at the response to the massive flooding in the Midwest in 1993 and the Oaklahoma City Bombing. That was one cabinet seat that should not have been messed with.

Will It Never End?

Of course, the latest firestorm to hit this net is this video.

I don’t know what frighten me more, the violence against children or the absolute sexualilized sadism expressed by the video’s narrator. I mean, seriously, it sounds like he’s masturbating to it.

The kids were throwing rocks at the soldiers. Over reaction to kids throwing rocks is what got the British into so much trouble in the Colonies in 1770. You’d have thought they would have learned…


A friend of mine sent me the link to this.

I swear to Gawd, the only you'll get transparency with politicians is to skin them.

And Cheney Shoots a Hunting Pal.

Reuter's Article

Nothing is going to come of it of course, and actually, it's rather funny. But I do find it more than a little frightening that when something like this happens, the White House can cover it up for a day.

Maybe we should give them all guns and send them out hunting while we…take a vacation in the Bahamas for a week or so. Take care of half of our problem in a weeks time.

Can Some Tell Me...

How with everything that is going on in the world, THIS was Newsweeks cover? What are they vying for a share of the Cosmo audience?

Into every life…

Well, I got my butt kicked by an Archeology exam last week. It’s no ones fault but my own, I didn’t study enough. Got to used to skating through community college and it caught up with me.

Maybe I don’t rule so much.

And… I found out I have to take another math course. The three algebra classes I took in Community College “just don’t count” in the University system.

I’m a history major and I will have spent 7 years taking math courses. What the hell?

But all in all, things are still going well. I studied and played with my Roomba all weekend. This thing is so cool...and it works! I *heart* robots!

Actually it was very neat watching it navigate it's way around and then zip back to it's home base. What was interesting was that at one point I put down some light boxes (I didn't have the batteries for the virtual walls yet) to keep it out of the kitchen, but it kept bumping at them almost as if it could sense that they were moving a little each time and if it kept at it...

Sentience, I know it's possible. In two years this thing is going to asking me to please do SOMEthing about Kalliope's hair.

I’m such a geek.