Kip's Commentary

80% Attitude by Volume. P.S. All original comentary and content Copyright 2005, 2006 :P

Location: Somewhere, North Carolina, United States

“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot.” ~ D.H. Lawrence

Friday, October 28, 2005

Long Time No Type.

Hey folks, I apologize for the unannounced hiatus. Things have been crazy with trying to arrange my finances, my housing, transporting myself and my furry heard cross-country and packing. What time I have had at the front desk here I have been spending getting all my photos in order so I don’t show up in a new place with a box full of loose photos that I will never get to.


Good things have been happening. Tom Delay was charged and Scooter Libby has been indicted. Harriet Miers withdrew and Tom Noe in Ohio has been indicted for illegally funneling fund into Bush’s 2004 reelection campaign.

Wow, they are really getting it from all sides. YES!

I will say I listened to Fitzgerald's press conference on NPR during lunch today and was glad to hear that the prosecution is going to steer clear of the Iraq War during the case and focus on the actual laws that were broken, though...why isn't revealing a covert CIA operative to the press not against the law?

Hoooray! Thank you Republican Party for taking yourselves back!

If that is (Please Gods let it be so) what is happening.

I'll get into more detail later.


I’ve been stressing so it’s been pretty mindless to tell the truth. Sunday was the race at Martinsville which was another caution-fest with frustrating days for my drivers :P Truth be told I didn’t watch closely, I just kept the TV on while I packed. This week: Atlanta, one of NASCAR’s fastest tracks. Best of luck to the 8, 38 and 6 Teams. Have a great race fellas!

Beyond that, I have been re-reading the Aubery-Maturin series which I have discussed before, and watching a lot of CSI which is easy because it seems like there is at least some version of the show on 24/7. Vegas of course is the best, the most engaging and realistic characters with very natural feeling relationships and their stories have an edge of realism that really pulls you in. Catherine is a great character, plus I think I am in love with Gil Grissom (Not William Petersen, Gill Grissom...with the beard. Geek Beefcake like Fox Mulder was.) CSI:NY is o.k.. Gary Sinese rocks the house of course and the character of Danny Messer is really cool and Flack is funny, but for some reason it just isn’t quite as compelling, perhaps because they were so limited in their ensemble during the first season. We’ll see how things shape up, though I am bummed they dumped Aidan. CSI:Miami just needs to go. *gag* Melodrama city. I like David Caruso, but my Gawd does he overdo it sometimes. And does he have to stand like a GQ model every time he enters the scene? And who the heck is that chick talking in monotone the entire time? Ah *Thhpbt!*

But that has been pretty much it for me at the moment. Boring stuff. I’ll get back to commentary next week, but until then have a great weekend everyone!


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