Kip's Commentary

80% Attitude by Volume. P.S. All original comentary and content Copyright 2005, 2006 :P

Location: Somewhere, North Carolina, United States

“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot.” ~ D.H. Lawrence

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Gloomy Days

...and for that matter...

How about the AIDS epidemic in Africa and the U.S.? That doesn’t even make headline news anymore.

Things that make you go “Hrrrmm.”

Where Do We Go From Here....?

Last Friday evening/Saturday Morning, the Northern mountains of Pakistan and India, on the eastern edge of the Himalayas, a 7.6 magnitude earthquake brought down mountainsides and destroyed towns and villages in a tragedy who’s death toll now reaches 35,000 across the two countries.

Today, authorities in Guatemala called off the search for bodies in the wake of massive mudslides that swallowed up entire villages during Hurricane Stan. They estimate the death toll at 2,000.

The death toll for Hurricane Katrina last stood (to my knowledge) at 1033 .

In July the floods in the Maharastra region of India took over a thousand lives.

Much of S.E. Asia is still rebuilding from the devastation of the Tsunamis of last year that killed 26,000 which was followed in March by a 6.0 earthquake in Sumatra that killed 1,300.

The AIDS epidemic in Africa is literally killing millions.

I tend to be skeptical about divine intervention in the natural processes of the planet we are on. But at this moment that is very hard. I mean, do you ever get the feeling that someone is bitch slapping the human race and saying “Wake Up!” ? That we’ve officially gone beyond someone’s “Don’t-Make-Me-Pull-This-Car-Over”-Phase and are now pinned against the back seat as that someone screams and shakes us?

Call whomever that being is whatever name you prefer, or call it our carelessness catching up with us, whatever, but personally I think these events are making clear that the human race is headed in the wrong directions with it’s petty conflicts to support our lifestyles and ideologies while people live in poverty and die in disasters such as these. We ignore having a long-term goal for the short-term gain. The coming together of nations during these crises is both remarkably heartwarming and hope giving. Hope not only for those immediately in need, but for the peace and preservation of the human race into the next millennia because we aren’t going to go forward tearing at each other like wolves while we ignore the environment we live in.

IF we can take not only the attitude of cooperation but the lessons learned from these tragedies. This mean not simply rebuilding exactly as things were before, but better and safer. We have to look at the construction of human communities differently before we ever thrust a single shovel in the ground. Creating towns and villages that can live in concert with their environment so that people can live in better safety for both themselves and the world around them. But we must cooperate with one another. It’s been 5000 years of human civilization and we are still fighting wars over resources and religious ideologies just as people in Summer did. 5,000 years and our leaders have not moved forward an iota.


I’m not a peacenik. For wars of defense, like WWII, I am fully ready to cast my vote and do my part to support our troops and our coutnry. However with everything that is going on, it’s time for the bullshit to end and for us to look really at where we are going as Americans and as members of the human race in this new millennium.

Anyway, I think it’s great that not only have India and Pakistan, who have been bumping heads for the last 70 years, put their differences aside for this but to see workers from China, Britain, France America and so on coming together to help these people is just an amazing thing. Prayers to all those who have suffered and lost in the Kasmir quakes and Guatemalan mudslides and to those there to help.

Eeyore Rules.

Sunday Mark Martin held off Greg Biffle to win at the Kansas Speedway. I love it because once again one of the veterans spanks some young gun butt. I also love it because Mark is such a downer. Last year he won at Dover. “It was all luck…” this year he won and “I’m like to thank my team for making on old man a winner..” When asked about his Championship hopes (he’s now in 7th position). “Oh, it’s too late for us, but we’re going to out there and try…”

You can practically hear the low gloomy voice from the movie. *chuckle*

Actually, he and his team have done a great job through the latter half of this year and the Chase so far. If they can keep it kicked up a notch *with some crossing fingers* they still have a shot.

I think the way he approaches life is similar to the way much of my family does *nudge Dad*. We anticipate the worst because we will be prepared for it then and if things go our way, we’ll just be that much more pleased. However, it is kind of spending your entire life waiting for the shoe to drop, which can be a pain in the ass for people around you. Some may call it a defeatist attitude, but hey, Mark Martin is where he is and my family isn’t doing that badly either, so who’s to say? *shrug*

It was a good race. People call Kansas boring because it is one of those mile and a half tracks with low banking that is hard to pass. Not too many high-risk situations to keep the crowd on the edge of their seats and few lead changes, but it was still entertaining…especially when *someone* drifted up the track in a turn and spun out a rookie. *ahem*

Dale has a typical flat track day for him, sorry to say. He didn’t have the car and a speeding penalty on Pit Road trapped him a total of two laps back. :( Bummer. Gotta work on those guys! I hear they’re moving their chassis program in house and there’s a rumor in the wind about DEI engine program and Menards teaming up permanently in their own shop. Ooooo! *rubs hands together*

Elliotts day was an exercise in patience (especially after being taken out early in the Busch race the day prior) as they had a long run car. Meaning the restart were crappy and it took the car a while for the handling to come in, but once it did it was great. (I’ve often seen his cars do this. Hrmm.) But he did o.k.; finishing 12th and maintaining his 13th place in the standings, only couple points out of 1st with Jamie McMurray and Happy Harvick between him and a million bucks and a place at the Banquet at the end of the year. Elliott can smoke those two, easy. :D


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