Kip's Commentary

80% Attitude by Volume. P.S. All original comentary and content Copyright 2005, 2006 :P

Location: Somewhere, North Carolina, United States

“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot.” ~ D.H. Lawrence

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

If I Think About It Too Much....

“Why are we talking about Chewbacca! I don’t know, it doesn’t make any sense! It if doesn’t make any sense, you must acquit!”


“Lookit this funny monkey…”

*Juror’s head explodes.*

O.K. one of the local channels here started running South Park nightly from 11pm to midnight and cannot keep watching it...I can’t.


*Yawn* :)

I’m Really Getting Sick Of This.

Baltimore Tunnels Shut Down for Terrorist Scare.



FUCK is going on with our Homeland Security office? First of all, are we a bunch of keystone cops? Are we going to shut down every major thoroughfare and building for every bomb threat phoned in by a bunch of stoned teenagers?

Congratulations Mr. Bin Laden. You’ve won. The Country is utterly terrified. Good Job.

Actually, I'm sorry. The credit really goes to our Illustrious Leaders and their sterling examples of strength.

“AHH, he might hit me! He might hit me! I gotta shoot him! AAAAIIGH!”

I think every adult has encountered someone with control issues in their life, if not when they wake up and look in the mirror every morning. The root of control issues is fear. Fear of being out of control. Fear of trusting portions of your life, physical and emotional, to others. Controlling people are scared what might happen when someone else makes choices so they try to control everything that does happen. That is not strength. That’s clinginess. That's panic. That's hysteria. Strength is living your life and allowing other to live theirs. Strength is trust, it is faith, it is dealing with problems as they occur not "making the other shoe drop". It is not, “She might break up with me, so I’m going to monitor her every move.” and it is not “They might attack us so we should invade their country.”

The fact of the matter is since 9-11, our own government has propagated more fear than bin Laden ever could.

The problem is people are not buying it anymore. The NYC subways, the Asian bird flu and now this? The first reaction of the majority of Farkers who read about the tunnels was, “So when are the indictments coming down?” No one buys it anymore. They automatically assume that the government does this to distract the American people from the failures in the Middle East, the corrupt leadership of the Republican party reaching into the White House, the completely unsuitable and tethered supreme court nominee, the failing economy, the mismanagement of FEMA, the mismanagement of tax dollars.

Gods, I could go on and on and on.

And the truly frightening part is that they use these scares to make inroads against our personal freedoms. Note:

NYC Subway Scare a Hoax

“Two unnamed law enforcement officials have told The Associated Press that the suspects in custody in Iraq insist they never planned to coordinate attacks with operatives in New York.

They have even passed polygraph tests on that very question.

"The people supposedly standing by in New York probably were never there," one of the officials told AP, speaking on condition of anonymity.

On Monday, New York City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly announced that random bag searches and other precautions would remain in place, but security on the system would be gradually scaled back."

So much of the Small Government Party. Whats next, having to present your ID or passport (ie. “Papers”) on demand?

They are driving this country straight into the ground; it’s economy, it’s people, what the word “America” itself means, lining their pockets the entire way. I’m so frustrated and sick of what these people are doing to this country!


And they have three more years.

The Bush administration needs to go. They need to be removed from office. Now Congress may have found it’s balls and be doing something. Rumors are that Cheney may be the ultimate target of the Wilson Probe, please Gods, let this be an Agnew-Nixon 1-2 punch.

Of course, rumors are that Condi Rice would be the one to take over Cheney’s role…Like I really want the woman who was promoted for being asleep at the wheel during 9-11 as Commander in Chief.

The situation is absolutely Byzantine.

On To Lighter Matters.



Charlotte was in dire need of resurfacing, but instead of doing so, the owner of the track lavigated or ground the track down to smooth it. Unfortunately, the texture of the track surface was so rough that even though the cars were moving 4 mph faster, someone was blowing out a tire every twenty laps.

No, kidding, practically like clockwork. *bam* Someone's fender has blown out and they're spinning into the wall.

This unfortunately happened to Dale Jr. as he was moving up through the pack and later to Elliott, who had been hanging out in the top three for the entire race.


NASCAR had two mandatory caution periods for people to come in a change their tires, mandated tire pressures and even Red Flagged the race at one point (man it had to suck for the folks in the stands) to clean the track, but the tire attrition continued, even nailing the car to beat, Tony Stewart. Leaving 2of2, Mini-Me, Jimmie Johnson to take his forth win at Lowes Motor Speedway.

O.k. Yes, he survived a hellish race with alternator troubles and fully deserved to be in victory lane....


*grumbling* jj sucks* grumbling*

Like I said, its sports, I can be as biased as I wanna be! :D

Driver. That's It.

The other interesting thing the media seems to have latched onto from the world of auto racing is “Dancia Patrick hit somebody!” Farkers had a fun time with this one.

The fact is if you have been reading this blog, you are well aware at how prevalent personal violence is in motor sports. Better to have two guys with bruises than a field of wrecked cars is my theory. The fact is had Patrick been a he, no one outside of IRL would have heard of this. But since she is a she, it’s world news.

Ignoring those posts form the unknowledgeable about how childish she is, etc. etc. etc., what surprised me is the number of guys who took the opportunity to condemn Danica for her personality: arrogant and serious/focused.

Huh, that’s funny. Most drivers are arrogant and serious/focused, especially as rookies.

To quote one Farker:

“I not only expect Danica Patrick to be arrogant, I would be shocked if she was anything but one of the most arrogant drivers in Indy racing. You don't race at that level as young as she is and not think you are 12 ft. tall and bullet proof. Now if she were to be as arrogant at 35 and not mellow out somewhat...then I'll declare her to be a cast iron biatch. Until then, or until she proves she can't hack it at that level, she gets a pass.” ~ hdhale.


The sad fact is that because she is a woman, she is arbitrarily held to a different standard of behavior than other race car drivers. People need to stop looking just at her alone and see rather how her behavior compares to that of her peers. I think they’ll see that they all get angry, they all hit/push/poke someone at least once and they all started out arrogant and “self absorbed”. She isn't a novelty, she's a driver and should be judged as such.


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