Kip's Commentary

80% Attitude by Volume. P.S. All original comentary and content Copyright 2005, 2006 :P

Location: Somewhere, North Carolina, United States

“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot.” ~ D.H. Lawrence

Sunday, February 19, 2006

The World is Filled With Stupid People...

Well, tomorrow is going to be a day of study, study and Daytona 500, so I figured I would post tonight.

EDIT: I posted my Daytona commentary below at the end of this entry.

First, Something fun:

This hit the Tolkien board this week to much merriment, something I though some of my other friends and family would enjoy:

Which Sci-Fi Crew Are You?

This is actually a pretty cool test with very good question that really suss out your personality as opposed those cheap ones that allow you to make obvious choices. When given a choice between two, it will even ask tie breaker questions:

My results:

You scored as Babylon 5 (Babylon 5).

The universe is erupting into war and your government picks the wrong side. How much worse could things get? It doesn’t matter, because no matter what you have your friends and you’ll do the right thing. In the end that will be all that matters. Now if only the Psi Cops would leave you alone.

Serenity (Firefly) - 94%
Babylon 5 (Babylon 5) - 94%
Deep Space Nine (Star Trek) - 81%
Moya (Farscape) - 81%
Millennium Falcon (Star Wars) - 75%
Enterprise D (Star Trek) - 63%
SG-1 (Stargate) - 56%
Nebuchadnezzar (The Matrix) - 56%
Galactica (Battlestar: Galactica) - 56%
Andromeda Ascendant (Andromeda) - 50%
Bebop (Cowboy Bebop) - 44%
FBI's X-Files Division (The X-Files) - 38%

That was after a tie breaker between “Always doing the right thing.” vs. “Doing whatever necessary, to protect your crew…” Damn my moral imperatives. Though I was kind of surpised that I wasn't "paranoid enough" to be an X-Files agent. *chuckle*

What was interesting was the number of people who scored Babylon 5 on a Tolkien board, give Tolkien’s influence on JMS’s creation. I think it was like 80% of the posters...

Speaking of the Tolkien Board:

One of my board mates asked for prayer for those trapped by mudslides in the Philippines. Apparently there is a school and the teachers trapped are still sending out text messages.

Lord and Lady clear your stormy skies for a while, speed the rescue crews to their work and give those trapped and their families strength to get them through this crisis.

But Sometimes the World is Too Damn Small

Bush Approves Sale of Major Ports to United Arab Emirates

We've got to protect ourselves by doing smart things in America," Bush said. "I appreciate working with the mayors on homeland security issues."

One of those mayors, Martin O'Malley of Baltimore, on Saturday harshly criticized the president's approval of the ports deal as an "outrageous, reckless and irresponsible decision" and urged the White House to reconsider the sale. Baltimore is one of the affected ports, and O'Malley is co-chairman of the U.S. Conference of Mayors' Task Force on Homeland Security. O'Malley also is running for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination in Maryland.

And the Democrats are not alone:

"The potential threat to our country is not imagined, it is real," said Rep. Mark Foley, a Republican of Florida. Another, Rep. Vito Fosella, a Republican of New York, called for congressional hearings on the deal.
Other legislators urging the Bush administration to reconsider its approval were senators Tom Coburn, a Republican of Oklahoma; Frank Lautenberg, a Democrat of New Jersey; Chris Dodd, a Democrat of Connecticut, and Rep. Chris Shays, a Republican of Connecticut.

They said the United Arab Emirates was an important transfer point for shipments of smuggled nuclear components sent to Iran, North Korea, and Libya by a Pakistani scientist, Abdul Qadeer Khan, according to the AP. They also said the country was one of only three countries to recognize the now toppled Taliban as Afghanistan's legitimate government.

It just amazes me. I mean, whenever I think the Bush administration has done the unthinkable, they just come up with something else more ridiculous and imbecilic. What a bunch of fucking idiots.

And I’m saying that as a Historian.

"A phenomenon noticeable throughout history regardless of place or period is the pursuit of governments of policies to their own interests. Mankind, it seems, makes a poorer performance of government than of almost any human activity. In this sphere, wisdom, which may be defended as the exercise of judgment acting on experience, common sense and available information, is less operative and more frustrated than it should be. Why does holders of high office so often contrary to the way reason points and enlightened self-interest suggest? Why does intelligent mental process seem so often not to function?"~
Barbara Tuchman, Historian. March of Folly

The Bush Administration should in there right next to the Renaissance Popes and the British Parliament of the mid to late 1700’s.

Speaking of just Fucking Stupid

11 Die in Libyan Cartoon Fire

Here‘s the first stupid thing: “The violence came two days after an Italian politician boasted on television that he was wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with caricatures of Islam's prophet Muhammad.”

It’s even more stupid when you realize that the same paper that ran these cartoons turned down provocative cartoons of Jesus for the reason that they “might be offensive”. Hell, the Mohammed cartoons aren’t even funny. They’re just vaguely silly. If you wanted to raise a firestorm, couldn’t you have at least made over something really funny?

Here’s the second stupid thing: “Video images showed demonstrators setting fire to an entrance to the consulate and to a car and heaving stones at the whitewashed building.”

Now, I can understand after years of blind vilification by so many in the west that such images would spark outrage among Muslim peoples, and I understand the Muslim strictures about images of God or the Prophet, but still…violence over a cartoon? This is ridiculous. I can understand protesting it. I can understand kicking all Danish reporters out of Islamic Countries. Boycotting products of the country, especially after the editor of said paper has been fired, is pushing my limits because the paper is a private business, not the country itself. But hey, I can roll with it. But violence, over cartoons? That’s just beyond the pale. Can you think of a better way to feed into the neo-conservative propaganda of it being a war of Western vs. Islamaic Ideologies? That you are all fascists? This is not going to win any sympathy from anyone. How stupid are you people?

The most important weapon and comfort and diplomat in any conflict is humor, and sadly it is usually one of the first causalities. I never thought I would live to see the day it was not only shot, but flayed alive and disemboweled.

Third stupid thing: Using live fire on protestors.

Escalating violence never stopped escalation. The USSR never stopped building bombs because we had more bombs. People don’t stop fighting just because you have a gun, they just go away and get a bigger gun. Why does no one see that?

This is just violence spiraling out of control. Can you imagine what history books are going to say about this? WWIII caused by vaguely-silly-but-not-that-clever cartoons?

Speaking of Funny:

MSNBC Countdown Gets to the Bottom of Fox’s O’Rieley Factor

Now that's funny!

Well, well ,well…

Cheny's Story Getting Fishy

Now, I was raised in the backwoods of Maine, a hunting state, so I KNOW all these neo-conservative cries of “It’s just a hunting accident, they happen all the time…” are completely and utter BS. Any accident that stupid I ever heard of always involved copious amount of alcohol.

On the Homefront~

Like any diligent student, I went to see my archeology professor about how I could improve my performance first thing on Monday. Well, after we went over my essay and how dry accademic writing is supposed to be *roll eyes*, it turns out that I wasn’t the only one who didn't do to hot on that exam. Apparently a great many in the class answered the final essay question about the wrong period entirely, something a might confusing to him (despite his obvious enthusiasm and great knowledge of the subject, he’s not the most well organized lecturer so it’s only karma that he be confused for once). So he is giving the class the opportunity to rewrite the final essay question as a take home. Yeah! I could have kissed his feet.

See, I’m almost ready to become a Graduate Slave.

Got an “A” on my International Music exam and will find out how my first History exam went Monday, as well as taking my second Antho exam.

Thursday I had time between my classes and a yoga class I am taking at the Rec center, so I popped into a sports bar next to campus and watched the first of the Gatroade 150’s. With whaddayaknow, the “only other Elliott Sadler fan in North Carolina”, or at least that’s what he called himself. We got loud, hooting and hollerin’, much to the annoyance of the couple that came in, set up their laptops, got on their cel phones and tried to do business (in a sport bar?) and we got very Happy with Elliotts win! Yeah Elliott! I was scared during that green-white-checkered finish. I thought maybe Edward and Dale Jr. might have made a run on him, but nobody had anything for that Yates Powered Fusion. Boo Ya!

The resulting high five practically took my hand off.

But it was great to see one of my guys win and it was fun. Good luck to Elliott, Dale Jr. and Mark tomorrow have a fun, safe race!

Wacky Fun : More Firefly Quizes!

Which Firefly Character Are You?

My results:

You Scored as Book.

"You don't fix faith. It fixes you."

Book - 88%
Simon - 88%
Zoe - 75%
River - 75%
Mal - 69%
Wash - 50%
Jayne - 50%
Inara - 44%
Kaylee - 38%

Or the quote I like to remember:

Zoe: “Preacher, doesn’t the good book something to say about killing?”
Book: “Yes, but it is much fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps…”

Or this one: Which Serenity Character Are You?

In which I scored as Mal

“You've been birddoggin' this township a while now. They wouldn't mind makin’ a corpse of you. Now you can luxuriate in a nice jail cell, but if your hand touches metal I swear by my pretty floral bonnet I will end you.”

You are the captain of Serenity, Mal Reynolds. You may be somewhat bitter and hardened, but somewhere in there you are actually very idealistic and would do anything to protect those you care bout most.

Captain Malcolm Reynolds - 94%
Hoban "Wash" Washburne - 69%
Dr. Simon Tam - 69%
Shepherd Derrial Book - 69%
River Tam - 63%
The Operative - 56%
Zoe Alleyne Washburne - 50%
Inara Serra - 44%
Kaywinnit Lee 'Kaylee' Frye - 31%
Jayne Cobb - 31%

EDIT Daytona 500

Firstofall,IwouldliketocongratulateJimmieJohnsononhisDaytona500win.Good Job.

O.k. that’s over with.

First of all I would like to say everybody did a hell of a great job driving today. All of the guys that got loose, all the car that went sliding back up the track…there were few car-causalities today considering all the madness that was going on out there. Great saves, great avoids guys! And just flat out, a great race. For a restrictor plate race, there was a lot of passing, a lot of lead changes, it was a blast to watch.

All of my guys did great today.

Elliott got 4th, which in a day of madness was damn good. I will say two things: The next guy to touch Elliott’s trackbar when he’s running consistently 3rd or higher loses his hands…at the elbows. I’m glad Tommy made the decisions that brought him back to the front, but Elliott shouldn’t have been back there in the first place. Parrott had the same problem. Y’know guys, you can adjust the air pressure in the tires first. Just a suggestion. And I kinda wish Elliott hadn’t stopped when he got to Mears bumper during the green white checkered, especially with Dale Jr. and the rest of the field lined up behind him…but hey, that just me. What the heck do I know. Maybe he couldn't make the outside line work...Still, 4th place at the Daytona 500 is definitely nothing to sneer at and between that and the Gatorade 150, it’s a damn good start to the year. New CC, new car and starting in the top five? Things can only go up from there. Great job!

Dale Jr. I know was frustrated going into the race and frustrated coming out of the race, but hey, he spent the entire speed weeks in the top ten; 2nd, 3rd and 8th. That’s a hell of a great way to start your year and as always watching Dale Jr. wheelin’ it on a plate track is a joy to behold. Good Job Dale Jr., Tony Eury, Jr. and the Bud Crew on a good finish and leading the most laps.

Speaking of joys to behold: Mark. Great job taking the lead, hell of a great pass. Seeing and taking opportunity in chaos like that is why we need experienced drivers in Auto Racing more than cute boys with pretty faces. I was rootin’ for ya man, that would have been so schweet.

And what the hell happened to Tony Stewart? The man went insane. I guess as he held it together last year it was only a matter of time. *rubbs temples* I’m going to disregard everyone’s post race comments until they have all had time to view the video tapes because at this point it’s just damn silly. Holy sh*t.

But still, “Mr Edwards’s Wild Ride” is definitely going on the highlight reel. Just wish Kyle could have come through that unscathed. Wish Bobby LaB could have come through the race unscathed to. How many mirrors has that man broken or black cats walked across his path? Still, it was nice to Petty cars running up there in the middle of the pack.


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