Kip's Commentary

80% Attitude by Volume. P.S. All original comentary and content Copyright 2005, 2006 :P

Location: Somewhere, North Carolina, United States

“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot.” ~ D.H. Lawrence

Friday, July 01, 2005

Florida Tag


Well, I see Sharks are the trendy “danger of choice” for the summer. So much more exciting than West Nile Virus. I guess we should expect a lot of shark films next summer and Hollywood rushes to cash in on the fear.

Why do Americans need to be scared all the time?


Film at eleven.”

Let’s just call It Being “Roved”

Is Neo-Conservatism, the new McCarthyism?

It certainly seems so.

While it may sound like a terribly slippery slope, how often are people who openly criticize the administrations policies accused of being traitors or “not supporting the troops”, as if saying Bush is a greedy incompetent dinkwad somehow jams up military supply lines or attempts to cut the benefits to military families.

I mean, like that damned Liberal Garry Trudeau, he’s so against the troops.

I’m sure I’m on a list somewhere. They’re just waiting for the Alien and Sedition Acts to come back.

The neo-conservatives have their backs against a wall. They have not caught Osma bin Laden, there were no weapons of mass destruction, Iraq did not simply blossom into a flowerbed of democracy, there has been a marked increase in terrorism against Americans abroad, the economy is not bouncing back into the military-industrial boom of the cold war. Nothing they believe in has panned out. So this is their only recourse: Yelling “We’re right and everyone else is a traitor!”, or in this particular case "a pussy", loudly enough in the hopes that someone will believe them, like a child that keeps repeating and obvious lie over and over in order that it may somehow become true. Thing is while every parent on the planet knows that the no matter how loudly a child keeps repeating that it was his “imaginary friend” that broke the cookie jar it was the child that did so, the neo-con lies seem to have been looud and enough for a great deal of Americans to believe them. Such as people who believe that Iraq had something to do with 9-11, even when the CIA, congress and McCain himself tell them it is simply a lie.

Why Politicians Annoy Me in General

House Votes Itself a Pay Raise.

For what, may I ask? Congressional hearing on drug use in a private sports organizations? Emergency sessions to politically grandstand while violating a citizens private rights?

I’m telling you folks: These people need to work on commission only. The legislation they passed X number of American citizens it benefits.


Weather permitting, we should have some real fun this weekend. I love super speedway races because I love strategy races and most of all, I love areo. I just think it’s the neatest damn thing, so I always look forward to Talladega and Daytona races.

More drama out of the DEI camp. I’m just sitting with my fingers in my ears and yelling “LALALALALALA! I’M NOT LISTENING!” until they work out their problems. I’ve known royal families that have less issues. Geez! ;) This is waaay too much drama for something that is supposed to be fun, recreational, the dream of every eight year old boy…

If I wanted soap opera I would have watched Day of Our Lives guys.:D

Of course the net is rampant with rumors of and recommendations that Dale Jr. go to the #3, the Intimidator’s car at RCR. Why, I wonder, not Joe Gibbs who has actually won championship lately? (Other than the fact that having Tony Stewart and Dale Jr. under the same roof might drive the entire shop to quit en-masse. Both of them have similar, or at least complimentary, senses of humor and have a history of practical jokes.)

Mind you, I don't know how much credence to give it, but this rumor is so constant it's like the K-Mart musak of the "Jr. Nation" so I will address it.

Every year there are rumors of Dale Jr. following in his Dad’s footsteps in the #3, something I have very “mixed feelings” about, meaning my gut reaction is not a good one. Dale Jr. is so much more than just his father’s son, even if they both drive stock cars for a living, and I hate to see Dale Jr. living in his Dad’s shadow not getting the props he deserves for being a damn good driver and a good, if rather waffle-ly ;), guy in his own right. Maybe I’m preaching to the choir here but: I love my parents and am deeply proud of them and the families from which I come, and even though I am a History major just as they both were, I know that if I were to try to follow in their exact footsteps I would fail because I am not either one of them. We’re all different people with our own rows to how and our own challenges. I want to see Dale Jr. be happy as Dale….or Dale Jr. or Junior or whatever it is he prefers. Spike, whatever.

Then again, the number 8 itself is a “family heirloom” as it was Dale grandfather’s and, briefly, his Dad’s and Dale Jr. has definitely made it his own. And if down the line RCR is the best option for Dale why should he deny himself that opportunity just to make a statement? In the end I have faith that Dale Jr. is a big boy ;) who knows who he is, no matter what the press or his fans trying to pigeon-hole him into, that will make the right decisions for himself and if that decision is run the 3, I have faith that he will make it his own.

(Yes, it is run-on sentence day.)

And while Dale Earnhardt Inc. has had one hell of a year, it is still a bit to early to be predicting their ultimate demise. If they are smart, and it sounds like some folks there are finally getting smart, they will take every lesson they can from this experience and really run and grow with it.

If they are smart.

So best of luck to everyone this weekend. I understand Dale Jr. is still feeling under the weather. Hope he can get some rest and feel better and that things really come together for the team. They really could use something to smile about. Hope Elliott continues his drive of consistency and that Mark can make up for "lost time" at Sonoma. I adore Dale and Elliott, but I am really hoping Mark finally wins his championship. :) So have a safe and fun race guys!

P.S. I will be on vacation next week, so I won't be on much.


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