Kip's Commentary

80% Attitude by Volume. P.S. All original comentary and content Copyright 2005, 2006 :P

Location: Somewhere, North Carolina, United States

“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot.” ~ D.H. Lawrence

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Mixed Reaction Indeed

Bush’s speech is just more of the same: We have no plan, 9-11, there is no set criteria for withdrawal, 9-11, we are protecting ourselves, 9-11, we’re winning, 9-11, we’re bringing stability, 9-11, bin Laden, etc…

His speechwriters are masterful, to keep weaving 9-11 into the war in Iraq (Remember those WMD we went to war over?) in order to trigger the fear knee-jerk reaction in the American public to this single all encompassing boogeyman of “people who hate us”, when the truth is far more complex and harder to deal with than the invasion of a single country. The thing is, the Neo-Con Right has used it so much, that people aren’t buying it anymore. Most people know that Saddam Hussien and the Iraqi insurgents had nothing to do with 9-11 and that it is our presence in Iraq that has made it a hotbed of terrorism. They support the troops, but the people know they have been lied to.

The Iraquis aren't buying it either.

So when are we leaving? The truth is even if all the Neo-cons dreams come true and Iraq becomes a garden of democratic freedom that simply adores the U.S., terrorism and the “terrorist ideologies” that the President is talking about will still survive. That’s the point of terrorism see; small groups of highly mobile people that are not tied down onto a single country or government, making the use of large scale military force ineffectual. You don’t use a club to excise a tumor, you use a scalpel. Far more terrorists have been caught using intelligence and police methodologies around the world than have been caught in this invasion.

Interesting point someone on FARK brought up.

George W. Bush on U.S. Troop presence in Kosovo, 4/9/99~ "Victory means exit strategy, and its important for the president to explain to us what the exit strategy is.”

George W. Bush on same topic 6/5/99 ~ “I think it’s also important for the president to lay out a timetable as to how long they will be involved and when they will be withdrawn.”

I do hope in the new dictionary’s when they put Georgie’s picture under “Hypocrite” they use a nice one…

While I agree that setting a date for leaving would be foolish, not having some sort of set criteria for withdrawal is more foolish. Unless those 14 bases we’re building means that Bush has no intention of leaving the 3rd largest oil reserves in the world tended by the Iraqi people. Then it’s just evil.

What is Civilization?

Truth be told, most socio-political academic theories and definitions are far too broad to be applicable in the real world were exception is usually the rule. However, they are useful in getting one to view a subject in a different way. I am currently working my way through Civilizations: Culture, Ambition and The Transformation of Nature by Felipe Fernandez-Armesto.

When most people think of the word “Civilization” we think cities, literacy, laws, art, etc. In short, what is like us here in the “west” of Europe and America. Armesto proposes that we remove that blinders that keep us from viewing other societies unlike our own as “uncivilized”. Aremsto’s theory is a civilization is a society that transforms it’s environment and follows through to categorize “civilizations” by the similarities in them brought out by the similarities in their environment. Desert civilizations, Artic civilizations. Jungle civilizations, etc. He admits that he is throwing this out there, not fully satisfied with his theory, but he does prompt one to look at what is “civilized” in a whole new light.

It’s a dense tome, one that I have had a while but not had the mental energy to tackle fully until now. It’s a bit of a plow at points, but I’m definitely enjoying the perspective.

Why I Will Never Fit Into The NASCAR World.

While Discussing Dale Jr. & Dale Sr.:

The Earnhardt Connection board member “He's (Dale Jr.) still trying to please his father to this day.”

Kip’s first thought: “I hope not. It’s a little hard for Dale Sr. to give positive feedback right now.”

One please, straight down.

I didn’t say it because most Southerners don’t seem to get black humor and Intimidator fans would not find it amusing. Then again, unless it involves Jeffie Pop looking like a fool/homosexual they don’t seem to find much of anything amusing. I meant no disrespect to either party under discussion and did respect what the board member was getting at, but it was just one of those one liners that begged to be said.

*sigh* I can see there’s going to be a lot of chew marks on my tongue in the future. I either wish I was a nicer person or wish I truly didn't give a rats ass what anyone thinks.

Not sure which. *chuckle*

What – A – Day.

You all will excuse me, I’ve had a really, really stressful day at work and so am going to go look at pictures of handsome men.

What, did you think only guy did that sort of thing?

“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness. What ails us is that our sense of beauty is so bruised and blunted, we miss all the best..” ~ D.H.Lawrence.

Always one of my favorites. :)


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