Kip's Commentary

80% Attitude by Volume. P.S. All original comentary and content Copyright 2005, 2006 :P

Location: Somewhere, North Carolina, United States

“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot.” ~ D.H. Lawrence

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Well, Someone Has Been Busy…

The Supreme Court has been very busy this last week passing judgment on a slew of cases that have a large effect on governance, clearing off the bench before the end of the term.

I covered their ruling that that state and local government can seize homes for privately owned business development last week :( , but this week:

Supreme Court Declares Displays of the 10 Commandment in Government Buildings to be a Violation of the Separation of Church and State.

Good. ‘bout time. Some Christian wack jobs may get all up in arms, but I’ve dicussed this before. Only in the sense that Western Society is largely influenced by Christianity are the values and taboos of American law based on it. The truth is the founding fathers wanted religion and the government to have nothing to do with one another in order to allow both institutions to act freely. This isn’t a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup, you keep your state out of my religion and I’ll keep my religion out of your state. Simple.

Supreme Court Rules Against File Sharing Sites.

While yes, it sucks and yes, they and their artists do have a ton of cash anyway, I think the record and other media companies have a right to be mad here. This is licensed material and there are legal options now for downloading individual songs as opposed to going out and buying an entire 20$ album for one song. Besides, if the Supreme Court didn’t rule this way, what recourse would media companies have against other types of privacy? It’s a slippery slope, but not taking action against file sharing it a pretty good shove down that slope. At least this beats going after 12 year olds.

Then again, when internet people want something, they are going to figure out a way to get it…

Supreme Courts Rules the Law Enforcement Agencies Cannot be Sued for Failig to Enforce Restraining Orders.

Well that’s Bullshit. Complete and utter bullshit. This basically means that a restraining order is now a worthless piece of paper. Look for more domestic violence, more spousal/partner murder, more child kidnapping and murder.

Good job Scalia, nice neo-conservative family values!

I know the police departments in most major cities are overburdened, but what the hell were they thinking?

Supreme Courts Rules the Cable Companies Do Not Have to Open Up Their Networks to Broadband.

I won’t lie, I’m not technologically savy enough to understand the full implications of a ruling like this. Phone Companies are, technically, a private company (kinda like the Post Office.), so why can the FCC make the phone companies open their networks, but not the Cable companies?

Sounds like some rocky time ahead for internet users.

Also Busy: Animals.

So two shark attacks in Florida and a Grizzly attack in Alberta.

It is a tragedy for all three families involved. But sometimes, we need to be reminded that once we leave the concrete jungle, we are not at the top of the food chain. With out those wonderful primate tools we invented with our nifty opposable thumbs, we are soft and squishy. Quite frankly the flouting of forestry warnings by the group involved in the bear attack sounds like a perfect case of Darwinian Theory in action to me.

As a diver sharks do not bother me so much. I know that as one diver put it, “There is no such thing as a small shark when you are in the same water with it…” due to even 3 to 6 foot shark’s capacity for damage due to the speed and strength. But with sharks, respect is usually the best case. Respect meaning stay away from. Usually you give them space and they will give you space, just don’t sound like a wounded fish (ie. trashing around). The experts in the article surmise that the rash of attacks in Florida this last week are hunger driven, even then the sharks probably mistook the splashing swimmers for wounded fish. In CA, most of the shark attacks that take place are surfers because from underneath, someone paddling a surfboard looks remarkably like a seal, sharks favorite dining experience. Usually once the shark realizes it’s mistake it lets go, though sadly, it may not let go of all them.

And besides, you have to have some respect for an animal that is so perfectly designed that 25 million years ago Mother Nature just said *kisses fingertips* “Perfect.” and hasn’t touched it since.

Add to that the fact that since they are not cute and fuzzy, no one cares about the shark species that are going extinct. Pollution and over fishing of their food sources is a large problem, but one look at the disgusting practice of “shark finning” will make anyone angry, not to mention hurl if you are watching video. (though as this page points out that due to rising mercury levels, the aphrodisiac Shark Fin Soup may actually render men sterile. Never say that Mother Nature doesn’t have a sense of humor.) Australia has actually started to try farming smaller species of shark to provide the leather, liver, cartilage and steaks needed by various industries, but the Chinese still whack away.


Though, I will admit to keeping to kelp beds when there are possibilities of sharks in the area, especially since we get Great Whites in the channel. As this little essay points out: It’s an Ocean, Not a Swimming Pool.

Or as I like to say when someone’s Pomeranian has been eaten by Mountain Lion, “If you want to get back in touch with nature, nature is going to get back in touch with you.”

I’m environmentally conscious, not stupid. :D

My personal favorite: Wobbegongs


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