Kip's Commentary

80% Attitude by Volume. P.S. All original comentary and content Copyright 2005, 2006 :P

Location: Somewhere, North Carolina, United States

“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot.” ~ D.H. Lawrence

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

First of All...

Jade rules.

“A true judge is how adversity is handled. Anyone can be a hero when they're winning. But, I'm not convinced the nay-sayers are completely correct when they insist the conditions are critical for the Bud team. Racing is a tough business, and it's cyclical. (Just ask Ferrari right now.) Those who keep at it will prevail again.

What's the worst that would happen if Junior reaches race #27 in 11th place?

You want critical? You want serious?

Try losing your father in front of the world, then have your every move, your every word watched, scrutinized, recorded.

Try climbing back into a racecar five days after suffering searing, painful burns in a sports car crash that was shown countless times all around the world.

Try climbing into a racecar at Darlington after being at the hospital the day before with your teammate Steve Park, who had been seriously injured in a freak, scary crash.

Hell, forget racing analogies. Try being one of our soldiers on the ground in Iraq. Try being a family member of someone on the ground in Iraq. Try being an ordinary citizen on the ground in Iraq.

And, when all else fails, try humor.”

Absolutely right.

Touche’ I consider myself chastised.

The Continuing Saaaaga of an Ass That Was Made Into a Toad.*

No, No, No! I liked McCain! Is it so bad to want allegations of misconduct, impropriety and abuse of power to be cleared before an appointment?

Check out to Poll on the same page. When I clicked it only 28% of American's supported his nomination.

Why can’t the Bush administration give up and withdraw the nomination, present another candidate? What is sooooo special about Mr. Bolton? I’m sure there are plenty of other candidates within the administration or the U.S. Diplomatic corp who can protect the U.S.’ interests and fight for reform within the U.N.

Movin’ and Shakin’

The Pacific and North American plates gettin’ busy again. The Tsunami alert was cancelled by around 10 pm. Oddly, this is not the first time we’ve had them, but we sure as hell are taking them more seriously now.

So actually it’s four quakes since Sunday morning:
Azusa – 5.6
Chile – 7.0
Crescent City – 7.9
Aleutians – 6.8

Now, a lot of areas along the Pacific rim, like Los Angeles, sit on very active faults and so experience hundreds, if not thousands, of tiny earthquakes every day, but this a lot of moderate to major ones in a short time frame. I wonder just how much slippage we’ve had in the last couple days? The comfort is these moderate to major quakes relive pressure between the two plates, staving off a truly catastrophic shift/earthquake.

Some more info on earthquakes.

Hey, for those of you on the East Coast, these are our Hurricanes and Tornados. Every region of the country seems to be susceptible to some natural disaster: You have storms, we have earthquakes. :)


The RoadMap seems to be working!

Israel to Turn Over Control of Volatile West Bank Town to Palestine.

As much as I can’t stand President Bush or his administration, I must give him credit for sticking to the plan and insisting that both parties do the same. This, more than anything we are doing in Iraq or are planning to do with Iran, will help achieve peace in the Middle East.

Where Did You Go To Medical School?

“Bill Frist (R-Tenn.), a renowned heart surgeon before becoming Senate majority leader, went to the floor late Thursday night for the second time in 12 hours to argue that Florida doctors had erred in saying Terri Schiavo is in a "persistent vegetative state."

"I question it based on a review of the video footage which I spent an hour or so looking at last night in my office," he said in a lengthy speech in which he quoted medical texts and standards. "She certainly seems to respond to visual stimuli."

And the newly released Autopsy shows that Shiavo’s brain was not only half it’s normal size, she was blind.

So not only was he, all the neoconservatives in the government and their pet doctors wrong, but isn’t it *slightly* unethical to pronounce diagnosis from a videotape? Especially when your specialty isn’t neurology?

I highly doubt we will hear apologies from the Shiavo’s parents for putting the her, her husband and the nation through this, and I highly doubt we will hear anything apologetic from the Bush administration for wasting valuable congressional time and taxpayer dollars, not to mention the attempted infrigment on personal rights, but please dear Gawd don’t tell me they’re putting up this idiot Frist as a presidential nominee.

More proof Mr. Freedom Fries Frist is an idiot.

EDIT: What did I tell you? This of course from the Governor of Texas who excuted 152 prisoners, including some of whom were mentally retarded.

(Not that I am anti-death penalty. I'm for its judicious use in cases of extreme violence and depravity such as serial killers. It's just my beliefs are consistant in believing that the individual has the right to choose to die as much as the State has a right to chose that someone else dies.)

Oh, and the parents are still insisting she was concious. *insert rolling of eyes here*

I Have A Confession...

I, miss Precedent-Precedence, got my definitions mixed up last week. I mixed up Impetus and Onus. Mea Culpa. Come-uppance is a bitch. May the gods of vocabulary and Dale Jr. have mercy on my soul. *red face* ;)

*Rowlf rules!


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