Kip's Commentary

80% Attitude by Volume. P.S. All original comentary and content Copyright 2005, 2006 :P

Location: Somewhere, North Carolina, United States

“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot.” ~ D.H. Lawrence

Friday, June 10, 2005


Well, that’s it. It’s over. I had my final final last night and spent the rest of the evening angst-ing over the fact that I had gone into so much detail I ran out of time. But there it is, everything I can do I have done and there it is.

I’m not marching this time, saving it all up for my bachelors, but still…IT’S OVER!!!! I is a college graduate! An Associates degree in History. WAH-HOO!

Truly I feel a little at a loss not having a semester to look forward to or something hanging over my head, but damn! I’ll get used to it. :D

I’d like to take a quick moment to say thank you to everyone, especially my family, who have helped encourage and support me through the last…well 6 years of school and helped me to get through a major step in getting where I want to be. I couldn’t have done it without you guys and I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate you all! You RULE!

Warriors of God

In the last few weeks, I have pulled back from most of my recreational pastimes: Movies and Books especially, but when I got sick of OPEC or 19th century revolutionary movements in Latin America, I picked up Warriors of God by James Reston and read it in short bursts. It’s a historical account of the Third Crusade in which Richard the Lionheart went to take back Jerusalem from Salah al-Din (or Saladin, as we know him), the man who is popularly considered the greatest leader the Islamic world has ever seen. In the mode of “readable history” that is popular today, the book is a very enjoyable and accurate. Perhaps not as personal as some people might like, but a great storytelling of the clash of Europe’s and the Middle East greatest leaders and biggest characters. If one is interested in the Middle Ages and the Crusades, this is required reading.

BTW-Did anyone realize Saladin was Kurdish? No wonder they have such “national” pride. Real class act that guy.

Now Reading:

Flying Cloud: The True Story of America's Most Famous Clipper Ship and the Woman Who Guided Her By David Shaw.

While the biographical story aspects are rather slim, this book is enjoyable and educational for the reason that underwater archeology is: It a slice of life. A snapshot of a time in America and a time in shipbuilding and sailing that left an indelible imprint on the American character.

I’m also going to go see Star Wars finally.

Interesting facts you stumble across when researching...

Did anyone other than my Dad realize WWII technically never ended? Since Russia and Japan never signed a peace treaty, the war could technically be considered ongoing.

Why a U.N. Ambassadorship Matters:

Beyond Bolton

What the idiot that wrote this editorial fails to realize is the belligerence of the Bush administrations foreign policy so clearly reflected in Mr. Bolton and his nomination. That the United Nations is in need of reform is without question. That a hegemon that feels it’s place is to dictate rules to the world while no rules apply to them be the one who make those changes is completely out of the question. Mr. Bolton is not only belligerent and rigid, he is incompetent and his egotism and myopic world view cannot adapt to changes and challenges in intelligence required of this position. His nomination is representative of Bush doctrine’s policy of “To hell with your sovereignty. To hell with what is morally right. To hell with what is even the intelligent thing to do. My way or the highway.” Stopping this nomination shows the world that the Bush administration's aggressive and alienating foreign policy is *not* shared by the majority of the American public.

We need someone in the U.N. who will push for change and reform, someone who will make strong stands against ALL nations that disregard Resolutions, but not one who is so blinded by his ego and the greed and power madness of a few powerful people that he forgets who he is there to serve and how to do that. We need someone who will act in the interests of the American people, not the Bush administration.

“Making Amends”

Heard about the NASCAR Scene article. >:( I really hate being right sometimes.

Dale Jr. said they were working on “long-term" goals, which is pretty smart IMO. I hope to hell they pan out. Glad to see they were getting some testing in too. :)

That being said, I hope the 8 Team can find something to smile about at last this weekend. Best of luck to Dale and Bud Crew, as well as Elliott and the Chocolate Thunder (that sounds vaguely rude, doesn’t it?) and Mark and the Viagra Team at Pocono this weekend. Good luck, be safe and have some fun!

Discovery Channel's Greatest American Vote

I don't think amassing fortunes (Winfrey, Gates, Disney) realy makes one "great". If that were the case the barons of the Gilded Age; Rockefeller, Morgan, Getty, etc. have outstripped them with ease. (Well, maybe not Gates, Gates would fit right in with that club.) I think what the person actually contriubted to American society as a whole is what matters. Ben Franklin is the obvious quick choice, but personal feelings have me leaning towards Lincoln or Jefferson. FDR was pretty kick ass too.

EDIT: Though thinking now that Jefferson's ownership of slaves and refusal to address the issue of slavery (He didn't like it but politically it would have been suicide to suggest something like the 14th amendment at that time. Not an excuse, just a reason.) and FDR's internment of Japanese Americans would take them both out of the running for "Greatest American".

Word O' The Day:

Satellite o' Love.


Because I feel like it.


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