Kip's Commentary

80% Attitude by Volume. P.S. All original comentary and content Copyright 2005, 2006 :P

Location: Somewhere, North Carolina, United States

“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot.” ~ D.H. Lawrence

Thursday, June 02, 2005

One Down

Two to go.

But I have stumbled upon the magick “Final Formula”:

Gobs of Rice Krispy Treats and Vitamin B.

All Hail the Mighty Kellogs and Trader Joes!


Jade, WTF is up with your state?

First its “Greyhound’s are not dogs

Then it’s the “Un-natural sciences

And now….

*drumroll please*

A female senator who opposes women suffrage.

Owie! My brain hurts!

Truthfully I don’t know what to say. When one encounters such gross hypocritical imbecility, what can one say? “If you want to retire, retire, but don’t blame the rest of us for having the wherewithall to take a hand in our own destiny and be responsible for the world we live in!”?

Lazy-ass bitch.

Tut-Tut, It’s the Smith.

Yes, I know. Bun pun! Bad pun! No biscuit.

I can see the media is trying to drum up the same rabid fandom that King Tutankhamen enjoyed during his last visit in the 1970’s and the Egyptians are always fun, but I swear if I see that funereal mask on another magazine cover I will simply scream.

Though this show promises to be even more interesting than the last because of the various scientific discoveries (they’ve cat scanned his mummy) and they are also focusing on his very interesting (in a Chinese curse kind of way) ancestors.

But this issues is also interesting because this year is the 100th anniversary of the major discoveries of Albert Einstein. Some of his theories have stood the test of time and some of them haven’t, what matters the most if a ground he broke. He literally revolutionized the way man looks at space and time at a point most physicists agree was 50 years ahead of its time”. Though it does touch on some of the tragedies in his life, the article is a mostly professional biography than anything. However, it does address how the mythos that has come to surround Einstein in Western Culture occurred, as well as giving one of the clearest explanations for the Relativity Theory this non-mathematical person has ever heard.

It also has articles on the cultural impact of immigration on both sides of the border, an overview of one of the sillier moments in American history: The Pig (Yes, Pig) War, a discussion on air pollution on our national parks, and some of Gregory Colbert’s stunning photographs.

As always, the Smithsonian Magazine rules.


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