Kip's Commentary

80% Attitude by Volume. P.S. All original comentary and content Copyright 2005, 2006 :P

Location: Somewhere, North Carolina, United States

“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot.” ~ D.H. Lawrence

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Tid Bits

Kingdom of Heaven Addendum
First of all, there is one little deviation in Kingdom of Heaven that I forgot to mention that while it does not detract from the film in anyway, I thought folks might find interesting.

When Balian says his oath as a knight, Geoffery hits him “So you’ll remember it”. Knights were struck as part of the initiatory ceremony, but it wasn’t to remember their oath. It was the last time a noble or knight could strike them without risk of reprisal, so it was kind of a ceremonial “Good Bye” to their role as an underling. Depending on the culture and how well the prospective knight and the lord got on, the “buffet” could be a light cuff to a full round house. There are several accounts of knights being knocked flat on their ass by it.

Was I Not Just Talking About This?

Denver Rounds Up Pit Bulls To Be Destroyed

These aren’t even dogs in the pound or on the street. These are owned animals taken from their homes and killed.


Was I Not Just Discussing This As Well?

Pastor Accused of Running Democrats Out of Church

As Chandler and his wife drove out of the church's parking lot followed by a police escort, about 40 of his supporters walked out as well, with many saying they were resigning their memberships.

"I'm not going to serve with the ungodly," an angry Misty Turner declared.

But Maxine Osborne, 70, and among those who stayed behind, had a different view of what had transpired.

"A lot of these young people had not been in the church more than a year," she said. The Chandlers "brought in a lot of young people, but they also brainwashed them."

Members said the troubles had been simmering since last fall, when Chandler endorsed Bush and denounced Kerry from the pulpit — saying those who planned to vote for the Democrat should "repent or resign."

Tensions escalated last week, when several members said Chandler called a meeting of the church's board of deacons and declared his intention for East Waynesville to become a politically active church.

Anyone who did not like that direction was free to leave, Chandler said — a statement that caused nine members to walk out.

Many of those who opposed Chandler's leadership said they agreed with the pastor's positions on abortion and other hot-button religious topics, but disliked linking those beliefs to specific political positions and candidates.

"If we wanted politics, we would stay home and watch it 24 hours a day on TV," said Charles Gaddy, 70. "I like Chan. He can preach a good sermon. I just wish he would keep some things out of the church."

Frank Lowe, 73, a leader of the members who left the church in opposition to Chandler's leadership, said, "I think his duty was to preach God's word and let the people sort out what they want to do."

Sounds like the opposition had the right idea here. "Render unto Ceaser..." and all that.

Chandler supporter Rhonda Trantham, 27, saw no problem with Chandler's approach. "If it's in the Bible, I believe it should be preached," she said.

I would love to have someone point out to me in the Bible where it says that Democrats are "ungodly" and that voting for Bush is a requirement of personal salvation.

*rolls eyes*


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