Kip's Commentary

80% Attitude by Volume. P.S. All original comentary and content Copyright 2005, 2006 :P

Location: Somewhere, North Carolina, United States

“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot.” ~ D.H. Lawrence

Monday, April 25, 2005

“A Good Day for DEI” and for Mikey-Mike and the Funky Bunch


DEI has come a very long way since the season began, from two engines blow ups on the 15 & a 42nd place finish on the 8 to Mikey getting a second place finish on the non-restrictor plate track and a top five for the 8. My New England sense of pessimism doesn’t want to uncork the champagne yet, but I will allow myself a little “BOO Yah! IN YER FACE HAMMOND!” (just a little one) as DEI marches onward and upward into the Chase.

It was so schweet and yet agonizing watching Waltrip fling himself around the track trying to catch Busch. He really, *really* wanted that win. I’m sure some drivers don’t even bother trying the high line and just tell their spotters, “Watch the 15 and the 9 and see how they do.” He and Kasey are always the first ones to go for that high line and it was nice to see it work for him. Dale did a great job staying out of trouble as the car came in. “Great Job!” to the entire Bud team for their effort. Things are really starting to gel. I know two races is not enough to constitute a trend, but I have no worries whatsoever about them making the Chase.

I do have an interesting analysis to undertake, if someone ever has that kind of time on their hands. It’s obvious that that Tony Jr. has Phoenix and Plate Tracks wired. We always hear about what drivers do well at what tracks, but I’m wondering what crew chiefs do well at what tracks? Do crew cheifs have specialities, tracks they really know how to beat?

Congrats to Elf-Boy on his win and for the smack back on Jeffie-Pop. That was schweet. But what is up with Mini-me? I know his mentor can be an aggresive little butt-head when the occasion calls for it (ie. spinning Rubberhead out at Martinsville and Dale Jr.’s “Bath in the Pits” last year) but he’s hasn’t been this stupid about it (at least not that I have seen) JJ is beginning to take on shades of Happy Harvick in his bone headed aggressiveness going into the turns. I was prepared to let the thing with Tony go as a “racin’ deal”, if there was contact it was obviously minimal maybe it was an “oops”, but this is the what? The third time in as many races and what is up with his whining post race?

“The last three or four weeks I've raced with him, when I get to him he's mad that I'm going by and he starts flipping me off and chopping me and running me all over the place. He started doing the same thing again (tonight), I haven't been around him all race. Shoots me the bird running down the backstretch and runs me all over the place and then goes in the turn and stands on the brakes to mess with me."

Boo–Freakin'-Hoo. This isn’t a cotillion Lowes-Boy. That’s no excuse for racing someone that hard into the corner and screwing up the chances of 3 other guys behind you.

Speaking of which, nice save by Mark Martin avoiding that wreck and “Good Job!” once again to Elliott and the M& M guys on pulling the 38 up from the late 20’s to an 11th place finish.

Speaking of having too much time on my hands: SciFi & NASCAR

Man those cautions can be a bore.

Now, as some of you know, I have drawn certain comparisons between the worlds of SciFi and NASCAR before (Hendricks MotorSports = the Borg) and seeing Star Wars plastered at over the RYR guys I got to thinking (always a dangerous pastime…).

‘That’s not right. We all know whom the highly talented, yet occasionally petulant blonde with the father issues is. DEI is the Star Wars universe.”

Of course this means Mikey is Han Solo...or Chewbacca. Actually he’s more the Lando Calrissian type. Truex would be Han...or Chewbacca. Kelley would be Leia. Kerry is Biggs. Tony Sr. is Ben Kenobi and reclusive Teresa is Yoda.

“Money we have. Expand chassis program we will. Yes.”

We all know who Darth is. “You must use the force at Talledega my son!”

(One ticket please. Straight to hell.)

So if Hendrick’s is Star Trek (which is cool because in expanding the universe, that could mean that Shrub is Romulan, he has attitude and the ears for it) and DEI is Star Wars, what does that make Roush, Evernham, RYR, Gibbs and Penske?



This is simply frightening. The neo-conservative Republicans are willing to do away with anything, any check and balance, any right, that could possibly get in the way of these judicial appointments. Rather ironic given the criticism about “legislating from the bench” that GWB has been handing out lately (which is rather impossible to prohibit, since all judgments become precedent), more ironic still since that what the Supreme Court is there to do: interpret and determine the Constitutionality of laws. *DUH* When a party is so willing to run rampant over the structure of the American government and the Rights of the American people in the name of their own party agenda…*shudder*

And it’s not all Republicans. Classic Republican conservatives like Bob Dole and John McCain are both farsighted enough to have spoken out against removing this useful tool of the minority. It wasn’t that long ago that Republicans were the minority in both houses of the legislature and it’s amazing to see how short the memory is in the neo-conservative mind. But in the end, I can only hope that the neo-conservatives continue to make these short sighted, belligerent moves that alienate the classic conservative Republicans and induce them to finally excise this neo-conservative caner from their midst.

"In Turin it will be illegal to turn one's dog into a ridiculous fluffy toy,"

Quick, someone send Paris Hilton and Britney Spears tickets to Italy.

I knew there was a reason I liked Italian. ;)

At the Risk of TMI: The Today Sponge Returns to U.S.

For those of us who can't use BC Pills (and many of us simply can't because it turns us into screaming psycotic bitches from hell, which is effective birth control but not a lot of fun...), this is a God send! Or rather a Goddess send! Either way it's great!


I get to spend the rest of the day working up a report on the Republic of Tunisia’s Constitution. People tend forget there are some parts of the Islamic world that go on about their business making no trouble at all...


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