Kip's Commentary

80% Attitude by Volume. P.S. All original comentary and content Copyright 2005, 2006 :P

Location: Somewhere, North Carolina, United States

“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot.” ~ D.H. Lawrence

Monday, April 11, 2005

Cars, Music and the U.N.

Dear Goodyear, Your Tires Suck.

Wheel problems aside, watching the way tires have shred in the races this year I think it would be safe to say at this point that the new compound blows. I think it’s time to bring a second and/or third manufacturer into the mix, give Goodyear some competition to keep them on their toes. I gotta tell ya, after watching all the races this year, they ain’t selling me any tires.

Like last week, yesterdays race was very exciting. I can see why traditional fans are so attached to short tracks, lead changes and passing galore. Despite the marbles, a couple drivers were able to make that higher line work for them and that kept the day interesting, as if flying wheels and tires weren’t interesting enough.

Considering everything that got thrown at them, the Bud Team did a good job and their pit times were great! Props to Dale for wrestling a beat up car as far up as 9th. *Applause* They’re one position up in the standings and only 83 points out of the top ten. I’m pretty happy with that. :D We’re on the right track here, let’s just keep chugging away guys!

Jade has in car audio clips on his site.

Great job yesterday for Mark and Elliot. In the midst of the melee both teams had smooth days, keeping their solid cars out of trouble, moving Elliot up 2 and Mark up 6 places in the standings. Yeah!

Speaking of which, I am highly gratified to see guys like Rusty, Mark and DJ in the top ten. The more presence they have up there, the less likely that sponsors will start dropping guys just because they aren’t “young and beautiful” anymore. (Though DJ in a tux, *Day-Um!*) Besides, I like seeing the “Wily ol’ Veterans” kicking some Young Gun butt occasionally. They need it. ;)

Other notes:

~Who did not feel bad for Bobby LaBonte? That’s jus’ wrong man. When is that guy going to catch a break?
~Same for Tony Stewart, especially after the schweet pass. I tried to call my Robby Gordon/Tony fan friends after the race, but she wasn’t answering her phone. I think she was in mourning.
~Kurt and Jeffie. Maybe it was “just a racin’ deal”, “fighting over real estate”, but Jeffie-pop should have known better.
~But props to him for bringing it back from 3 laps down to win. The guy’s good.
~Kasey. Again. I’m really beginning to feel bad for the kid.
~”We could throw a house cat in there…” Y’know, if Hammond would just let up on Dale I could really get to like that guy.

“…and my foot is killing me!”

*chuckle* It’s completely self absorbed to think like this, but all could think of when I heard this (Other than "*ouch* Poor guy...") was that it was exactly what I said after going head on with the drunk driver. My little Toyota was an accordion, the engine was practically sitting in my lap, my glasses had ripped my left eyelid open when my face went into the steering wheel and it was bleeding like head wounds do: everywhere. The people at the scene kept asking me "consciousness questions": “What’s your address”, “what’s your phone number”, “what’s your mother maiden name”, etc.

“Proctor and would someone get me the hell out of here! My foot is killing me!”

Turns out other than the eyelid, which they called a plastic surgeon in at 4 am to take care of, the only other injury I had sustained was that when we hit, all my weight went into my foot which was mashed on the brake pedal and I had broken one of the metatarsals (bones in the top of the foot). I didn’t even have a concussion.

So Dale? I feel for ya man, I really do! ;)

Though maybe it’s time for some drivers to consider working out, hey?

Just a suggestion.;)

John Bolton: The Wrong Man For The Job.

The United Nations is not perfect. While it was founded on some of the highest principals of international law and democracy, the truth is the U.N. is only as strong as the commitment of it’s member countries to abide by it’s rules. When countries actually support U.N. decisions, it’s policies have been successful. However, the Rwandan genocide and the recent paternity scandals within U.N. peacekeeping forces have greatly weakened it’ reputation as a force of stability and good in the world. Reform is an issue that needs to be addressed.

However, it is the sole representation of the planetary community in which we live; the one forum for countries to have a dialog. Assigning a man who has shown himself to not only be antagonistic of the organization (“There's no such thing as the United Nations. If the U.N. secretary building in New York lost 10 stories, it wouldn't make a bit of difference.”), but also openly contemptuous of International Law period ("It is a big mistake for us to grant any validity to international law." ~ ignoring the fact that international laws protect us and our citizenry as well as other nation) is simply cruising for a disaster. The U.S. is in deep in the tar pit that is Iraq, not simply in commitment but in loss of international esteem. Many may think that we are the 800 lb gorilla, what need have we for international esteem? Given our commitment to Iraq, a peaceful solution to a situation…say like North Korea, isn’t simply preferred, it’s the only option. Maybe it would be better to have someone who actually encourages people to work together rather than pounding the opposition over the head with his presidential administrations agenda. Someone who will actually listened to the intelligence community rather than having them demoted for not saying what he wanted to hear. Someone who believes that all nations have the right to speak than just us. (“The U.N. Security Council only needs one permanent member: The United States.”)

The choice of John Bolton for this post was simply appalling. Not only is it almost the biggest “screw you” the Bush Administration can make to the international community, it is a choice that will simply embarrass our citizens around the world. I pray to God his nomination is defeated.

Listening to: Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers

Disclaimer: my attitude towards music is then same as many people’s attitudes towards painting and sculpture: I don’t know much about it, but I know what I like.

Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers are one of those bands that at first thought seems to be just there. When people think of “Great American Voices” you won’t find him/them named that often next to Elvis, Chuck Berry, Billy Joel, Tina Turner, John Mellencamp, Bruce Springsteen, Janis Joplin, Areosmith, etc.

“What about Tom Petty?”
“Oh yeah…”

He/They just seem to slide under the radar.

“Well she was an american girl
Raised on promises
She couldn’t help thinkin that there
Was a little more to life
Somewhere else
After all it was a great big world
With lots of places to run to
Yeah, an d if she had to die
Tryin’ she had one little promise
She was gonna keep

Oh yeah, all right
Take it easy baby
Make it last all night
She was an american girl..."

And yet, who can think of the 70’s without “Breakdown” or “Refugee”, the 80’s without “Free Fallin’” or “Don’t Come Around Here No More” or the Early 90’s without “Into the Great Wide Open” and “Last Dance With Mary Jane”. Petty'ss seemingly simple bluesy rock n’ roll musical approach disguises lyrics that are blunt and occasionally disturbing, like classic Americana skewed, as if peeling back the layers of image to reveal the real America in all it’s painful and seedy glory.

“There's pigeons down on Market Square,
She's standing in her underwear.
Lookin' down from a hotel room,
Nightfall will be coming soon.
Oh my, my, oh hell yes, you got to put on that party dress.
It was too cold to cry, when I woke up alone.
I hit my last number, I walked to the road.

Last dance with Mary Jane, one more time to kill the pain.
I feel summer creepin' in and I'm tired of this town again.”

Often clashing with record companies and promoters, Tom Petty has rarely really gotten the critical attention he and the Heartbreakers have deserved, but it is impossible to imagine American Rock n’ Roll without them.

And his work with the Traveling Wilburys rocked too. ;)


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