Kip's Commentary

80% Attitude by Volume. P.S. All original comentary and content Copyright 2005, 2006 :P

Location: Somewhere, North Carolina, United States

“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot.” ~ D.H. Lawrence

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

We Think Women Have a Tough Time Breaking into Racing Here...

Woman racer upsets testosterone-driven Iran

Pardon the cliche but, "YOU GO GIRL!!!!"

Maybe it’s time for NASCAR to stop violating 12-4-A

So, the penalties have come down.

#48 – Car too low in post race inspection
JJ dropped down 25 driver points
Jeffey dropped 25 owner Points
Chad suspended for 2 races, fined 35K

#5 – Quarter panels too high in post race inspection and violations of rules 12-4-A, the “Actions Detrimental the Stock Car racing”, and 12-4-Q (non-regulation equipment)
Kyle dropped down 25 driver points
Hendricks dropped 25 owner points.
Gustafson (crew chief) suspended for two races and fined 35K

Now the one we’ve all been waiting for:

#29 – Faking a full tank of fuel during qualifying.
Happy Harvick dropped 25 Driver points
Childress dropped 25 owner points
Todd Barrier (crew chief) has been suspended for 4 races and fined 25K

Now, I’m not too fond of the Hendricks Boys, but I have to wonder at the fines doled out here. When NASCAR deems something too low or too high, that can mean is 1/16th of an inch off. 1/16th. Theoretically, that could happen between the wear and tear of the race and JJ standing on the window in VL. Now in this sport, every 16th of an inch helps, but this is not as flagrant and deliberate as stuffing your fuel tank full foam and filling just enough to get the car through a couple qualifying laps and fool the pre-qualifying inspection. Having your crew chief out for four races is a lot worse than two, sure. But I’m looking at the monetary fines here. Why 25K for Harvick rather than 35K that Johnson got slapped with and why were Johnson’s and Busch’s punishments the same?

This is an ongoing problem with NASCAR rulings: There is no consistency. I’m not one of these people who believe that NASCAR favors one team over another, but I do believe that there is an arbitrary randomness to the system of fines and punishments that needs to be addressed. I don’t think they have any guidelines. A group in NASCAR needs to sit down with the rulebook and establish a set list of punishments for each and every rule. Now, because rules change so often, there is always going to be grey areas that Crew Chiefs exploit ergo there is always going to be some fines and suspensions made up on the spot, but I think a set list of punishments for the rules already in play will establish a guideline for future judgments to be rendered by. A little time taken during the off-season (or now for that matter) will result in more fairness, fewer protest hearings and more respect for NASCAR’s vaunted “integrity”.

And Speaking of Judgments: A Random Thing To Think About

Why is it when CEO’s steal millions or billions of taxpayer dollars they get sentenced to a few months to a couple years in a Federally Funded Country Club while the kid who sticks up a liquor store for 30 bucks spends 7 to 15 years in the darkest holes of of the Federal Prison system? I think if white collar criminals were at risk for the same sentences that street criminals were, say if the Enron Execs got to spend 8 to 10 as someone’s bitch at Pelican Bay, our tax dollars (and employee pensions) would be a hell of a lot safer.

But at least we are finding them guilty. Status of High Profile Corporate Scandals

And Speaking of Scum-Sucking Pig Demons From Hell

Kansas legislature declares Greyhounds "not dogs" to avoid protection from pet abuse laws.

While in principle Greyhound racing sounds cool, the abuses that pervade the system are truly heinous. (And that link is just in one state folks, 16 states allow greyhound racing.) The fact that a legislature would pass so blatantly, ridiculously biased a law just shows how bad the people who participate in this sport want a free hand to do whatever they feel like, how much they want to avoid scrutiny of what goes on in the kennels, when it come to these wonderful dogs.

The dog park I frequent is also the favorite of 5 rescued racing greyhounds; wonderful, intelligent, personable dogs all. Due to aficionados forming rescue groups, there has been great progresses in the humane treatment of these animals after they leave the racing programs, but private groups cannot compensate for an industry that casts off tens of thousands of three to four year olds (that’s about the age they “retire”) and wash-outs, nor can they protect the animals from abuses while in the program. Keeping greyhounds listed as pets just like any other dog gives the local Animal Protection services the ability to act when abuses are reported at the track.

If you live in a greyhound racing state, check to see what the laws are protecting these dogs and if not, what groups are trying to change them and help out!


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