Kip's Commentary

80% Attitude by Volume. P.S. All original comentary and content Copyright 2005, 2006 :P

Location: Somewhere, North Carolina, United States

“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot.” ~ D.H. Lawrence

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Kip's Commandments

As inspired by recent goings-on on one of the other boards I frequent.

Kip’s Commandments:

I. Thou shalt be nice to people (ie, don’t kill them, steal from them, cheat on them, lie to them, run over their pets, etc.)
II. Thou shalt never start a fight, but always finish it.
III. Thou shalt learn from your mistakes, not pretend you never made them.
IV. Thou shalt, look, listen (I’m still working on that one), experience and learn as much as possible all the time.
V. Thou shalt not judge other’s lifestyle choices, the Divine can handle that on his/her/its own. Really.
VI. Thou shalt not value money and possessions over family, friends and experiences.
VII. Thou shalt be kind to all animals, even the ones you eat, or I will personally rip your sadistic lungs out. In fact that shalt be kind to all beings that are at your mercy or I will remove your head Predator-style.
VIII. Thou shalt be honest about yourself.
IX. Thou shalt strive to continually grow and be the best person you can be.
X. Thou shalt take time to connect with whatever divine power that you worship.

Additional Commandments:

XI. Thou shalt not put raisins in my oatmeal cookies.
XII. Thou shalt not crowd, harry, poke, clutch, capture, flash (sorry Dale, but it so banal), annoy, hassle or stalk the drivers.
XIII. Thou shalt not express your appreciation for the female form by honking at lady joggers at 5 am in the morning. Not only will they not appreciate the sentiment, they will want to beat in your headlights for giving them a heart attack.
XIV. Thou shalt not litter! Not only are actually making an effort to say "Fuck you" to the environment, you are saying "Fuck you" to the people in the neighborhood where you toss out your trash.
XV. Thou shalt not rev your car or motorcycle to show off. Nobody wants you.
XVI. Thou shalt not play your car stereo loud before brunch time. No one appreciates your basebox at 6 am.
XVII. Thou shalt remember thy towel and keep it holy.
XVIII. Thou shalt not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
XIX. Thou shalt listen to Ivanova. Thou shalt not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is god. And, if this ever happens again, Ivanova will personally rip thine lungs out.
XX. Thou shalt always follow thy fish.


"I am the terror flaps in the night!"


Blogger KiplingKat said... first trolls. I'm so pleased. :D

You all are just darling as first models but I'm really hoping to trade up. The "Parrot Troll" is cute, but only amusing for so long.

March 04, 2005 12:09 PM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

And debra, before you jump on the bandwagon, I think you should look are Marc's comment here:

March 04, 2005 1:41 PM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

Learn how not to throw hypocritical racial epithets dolt.

We really need to expand your vocabulary beyond "dunce". Come on Marc. Marc the Mynah bird wanna cracker? Come on Marc, say "I'm a hypocrite! I'm a hypocrite!" For the nice tasty cracker! Say “I project my own racism on others!” for a nice tasty yummy cracker!

March 04, 2005 3:34 PM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

And for the record folks (since he deleted it once I pointed it out to debra this morning) here's what Marc said:

Marc said...

Nigger Lover!

7:40 PM
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It's just doesn't get any better than that....

March 04, 2005 3:43 PM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

Well, before you jump on the bandwagon next time look and see who your fellow passengers are...


March 04, 2005 6:03 PM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

I also have to say I am, highly amused by the fact you accuse someone who observes that latinos seem to have a cultural bent towards cars as a "racist", yet someone who says "n*gger lover" is just a "moron" and a "numbskull".

Sort of shows that your anger doesn't really have to do with racism, does it?

March 04, 2005 6:20 PM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...


Jingoist bigot?

That's not anger?

That's not hypocritical, since you have now shown yourself to be classist?

That's rich...

March 04, 2005 6:49 PM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...


I read three or five posts out of that 176 telling EVERYONE involved to shut up, not just me. But the attacks just kept on coming (even long after things had died down, what happens? Becky jumps in). Just as they are here, carried over from one board to another for the sheer sake of bashing me.

It’s called bullying.

I notice after Amanda dropped out of the conversation how fast the criticism went from "your a racist" to "you're a pretentious know it all". Between that and Debra’s reaction to Marc’s racial slur, we now know exactly what this is about: I am an intelligent anti-Bush administration NASCAR fan who expresses herself well and that makes some people (not everyone, just some) very uncomfortable. They can’t argue against what I am saying because I back my arguments up with facts, but they can attack me for who I am.

I didn't start any of this, none of it. They started and they continue it right now because they are obsessed with it.

March 04, 2005 6:58 PM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

I mean, you all obviously respect me enough to come all the way over here, create a sign-on and attack me.

That's the respect you give an enemy that you feel very, very threatened by.

March 04, 2005 7:00 PM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

Numerous? Try two. Two people who actually attack me for what I said, before the cowards realized it was open season on RHYLL and came at me with "you're a pretentious know it all"

Now you're the liar.

March 04, 2005 7:02 PM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

A nice class bigotry there too. My job pays more than your job = ergo I am a better person.

Yeah, that makes sense.

March 04, 2005 7:04 PM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...


No, I was on the Pitboard for almost 10 months after that stupid mistake. I was kicked off for pointing out a double standard at work. I can show you the e-mails exchanged between Jim and I.

And who should shut up when YOU ALL come onto MY BLOG to continue and argument we concluded two days ago on another blog.


No wonder Jade has such a problem with psychotic fans. JEE-ZUS! And people wonder why I hang with Robbie Gordon fans.

This is called a witch hunt, but I got news for you. I'm NOT GOING AWAY! And even if Jade does ban me, that doesn't make you right and the Bush administration is still corrupt and incompetent.

March 04, 2005 7:20 PM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

Why the hell should I shut up on MY BLOG. You're the ones coming into MY SPACE. You're the one continuing the argument, not me!

March 04, 2005 7:27 PM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

"Dunce!" You seem fond of this word, perhaps you were exposed to it frequently as a child?

"Racist!!" From the man who called me a "N*gger lover"?

"Blabbermouth!!!" You're the one who can't seem to shut up.

"Liar!!!!" Yes I did. Once, almost a year ago abot a race a ttneded when I did not. It was a big mistake. I promptly fesed up, apologized and moved on. I guess everyone else has not. If someone took issue with it, they should have done so and been mad at me at that time, not waited 11 months to use during a witch hunt.

"Fucktard!!!!!" Stop looking in the mirror, talk to me please.

"Receptionist!!!!!!" Yes, you have a problem with that? Try pissing off your recpetionist and see what happens to your calls.

BTW - Thank you for providing such powerful evidence that one's job has little to do with ones worth as a human bieng.

March 04, 2005 8:09 PM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

I deleted Marc because he wasn't saying anything new. One can only say "dunce", "fucktard" & “liar” so many times until one gets quite bored with it. I’ve already admitted to lying 11 months ago. I apologized at the time and still feel like an idiot about it. So there’s nothing to discuss there.

And since you ignore Marc's blatant racist epithet, this obviously isn't about racism. So I am curious what this is about exactly?

If you have something new to say I'd be happy to listen...well, not really happy since you all are so psychotic, but willing.

March 04, 2005 9:10 PM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

Yes. I LIED! I cofessed and apologized. What more do you want from me?

Can you raise your right hand and swear on your holy book that you never BS'd in your life? Not even in a bar?

Yeah, I'm as human as the next person. Never said I wasn't.


So what's up with that?

March 04, 2005 9:16 PM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...


Honey. This is MY BLOG. If you're so hurt and damaged by me speaking, what the fuck are you doing here?

March 04, 2005 9:17 PM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

If you get so pissed off by what I say, what are you doing here?

Easy question...come one, you can do it. If I anger you so much, what are you doing on my blog?

And we've already dismissed the racist issue. If you are were so damn concerend about racism, you would have gone ape-shit over Marc's racist epithet. I notice you didn't. You kind of all tipped your hand: It's not about racism. It's because I "piss you off", Why? Because I'm informed, well spoken and say things you don't like.

Boo-fucking-hoo. Life's tough, get a helmet.

March 04, 2005 9:30 PM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

Since you are overfond of commas and your punctuation sucks does that mean you will ban yourself as well.

I notice you all are exchanging favorite words an awful lot...If I asked the admins of this site to ban Marc's ISP, I wonder how many others here would also disappear?

So because I have a typing problem (and it is a typing problem, not a spelling one) and I’m a liar, I should be banned form my own blog. Well, at least you’ve given up on the “racist” B.S.

You’re reaching honey, desperately, and looking awfully silly doing so.

Just shoo….

March 04, 2005 10:40 PM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

Isn't there a white sale you're missing somewhere?

Well, it's so nice to know you'll always be there for me....

Psycotic jackass.

March 05, 2005 2:52 AM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

So racist and classist. Boy, you'll do anything to feel better about the pathetic excuse for a human being you are and the pathetic excuse for a life you have. As it is, you have shown no more intelligence in you attacks on me than a 7 year old in a playground. Screaming arbitrary labels at someone becomes passe' in Jr. High. I guess that simply goes to show that executives really don’t have to intelligent, eloquent or independent thinkers.

May I remind you Einstien was a patent clerk. He went on to bigger and better things as I am going to, an option I have the strong feeling you do not have. I’m sorry you do not enjoy sucking up to clients or pushing papers or playing office politics, but that is the life you have and no amount of degradation of the people around you is going to change that. I suggest you find a hobby that fulfils you, because no matter how many people you “put down”, all you do is scream out how deeply insecure and unfulfilled you are.

I wish I could say I am sorry your life, that everyone's lives here, is so dissatisfying you and they that you all felt the need to create a elementary school yard display of ostracism. But it's pretty obvious that you spend enough time being mean to people Karma has simply dealt out it's share of justice and so I can not feel sorry for any of you at all.

March 06, 2005 10:22 AM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

Not that I am comparing myself to Einstien's brilliance in anyway, simply pointing out that a job title does not reflect one's worth as a human being.

How one treats other people does however....

March 06, 2005 10:40 AM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

Also, it's very hypocritical of you to criticise my use of time when you yourself are using "company time" to insult people in a desperate attempt to compensate for your tiny

March 06, 2005 10:48 AM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...


It's official, you're boring. You can keep deluding yourself all you want, but everyone knows that your he "stapler guy" from Office Space, just being shuffled down to the basement. No life, no future, no point.

Bye now.

March 07, 2005 2:13 PM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

Waitaminute..Invoice? Execs and engineers don't even know invoices exist and you want someone to track one for you? You are either A. in a where house or B. in a cube in a finance department. Given you access to the internet the choice is B: You're some lowly accountant sitting in a cube. No wonder you're so mad. You know, it's too bad you have to bend over and take it from your superior (probably a woman given your misogynist comments) five or six times a day, but maybe if you grew some and took up a might not have so much pent up resentment.

March 07, 2005 2:25 PM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

Oooo. Hit a nerve did I? Well, when you spend the rest of your professional life tracking down the invoices for your boss and hopelessly, pathetically fanatsizing about dominating her or me or any woman for that matter, just remember...

We're all laughing at you while we date guys with real cajones.

Stapler guy.

March 07, 2005 2:59 PM  
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