Kip's Commentary

80% Attitude by Volume. P.S. All original comentary and content Copyright 2005, 2006 :P

Location: Somewhere, North Carolina, United States

“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot.” ~ D.H. Lawrence

Friday, April 01, 2005

She’s Back & She’s Bad

Apologies for my recent hiatus from my blog. I tend to handle sadness & depression by going turtle and removing myself from reality as much as humanly possible. I’ve gotten quite good at over the years. I’m not saying it’s the right thing to do, but there it is.

So lets just catch up, shall we?

First of all...

Who gives a flaming f*ck about Terry Shiavo?

That is was a terrible battle between two sets of people acting in what they both felt was Terry’s own interests is a very sad story. But you know what? It was a private one. Given the lack of documentation about Terry wishes, I can see why it went to court, but the legislature and government executives and the media should have NEVER gotten involved.

If Congress is going to hold an emergency midnight session, I would have far rather seen them using that time to address the plans for withdrawal from Iraq, the failing U.S. economy, a balanced national budget, overhauling our intelligence organization so that presidents can’t pin the blame their crappy decisions on divergent info from known pathological lairs, rejecting the nomination to United Nations Ambassador of a man who has shown open hostility towards the UN and international law, homeland security, North Korea or any number of other topics far more important to the wellbeing of the United States than this one.

And no, that does not include Steroid Scandals in Professional Athletics. I don't give a damn about them either.

While discussing this with my Sister-in-Law, we came up with the idea that Legislators need to be taken off salary and work on a commission only basis. Instead of getting paid to waste time with bread-and-circuses topics like this, not to mention rubbing elbows with corporate fat cats at cocktail parties in multi-million dollar resorts in a Grand Caymans and working on the campaigns to be reelected, they should be paid in accordance to the bills they pass and how many people they benefit. Maybe then they would understand that THEY WORK FOR US.

Now people are running around saying that Shiavo’s death and the recent decline of Pope John Paul II (one of the best Popes in history IMO) are somehow linked in some quasi-mystical/spiritual fashion.

Folks, the day Terry Shiavo died:

6,585 people died in the United States

109 of them were children under the age of 14.

106 people of the total died in motor vehicle accidents

82 killed themselves

42 were murdered

(Based on national averages provided by the CDC.)

Where is the national outcry for them?

Let get some perspective people and move on.

Where I’ve been…

I’ve gotten further drawn into TV-Land through “House”. The premise of the show is “medical mysteries”, patients coming in with a confusing variety of symptoms that only a brilliant doctor and his staff can diagnose. The most engaging aspect of the show is the almost completely misanthropic doctor with a wit so dry the Amazon drops an inch whenever he opens his mouth, often being so refreshingly un-PC and telling some very dark truths about ourselves. It’s a bloody brilliant character creation pulled off to wry perfection by British actor Hugh Laurie, who also gets the “Best American Accent Ever Done By a Member of The UK” award. (I don’t know why, but of all the (Ex)Commonwealth countries Brits seems to have the worst time imitating the flat American accent. They usually trip themselves up in someway. Aussies usually do it best.)


I’ve got 4 essays to write for my midterms, so I’ll be a bit busy next week. So best of luck to the 8, the 6 and the 38 teams at Bristol this weekend and my thoughts and prayers are with the Pope and all the Catholics in the world.


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