Kip's Commentary

80% Attitude by Volume. P.S. All original comentary and content Copyright 2005, 2006 :P

Location: Somewhere, North Carolina, United States

“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot.” ~ D.H. Lawrence

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Message Board Exchange of the Day


Nagasaki: Sex before marriage, pre-marital experience, assuming one is talking of sexual intercourse or perversion of the same, the word of God implies it all by calling it fornication. It knows no exception. It allows none.

MorePeasPlease: So, if I intend have pre-marital sex, I shouldn't limit myself to a single partner of the opposite sex/species, and should just say "f*ck it" and go balls-out pervokink then?


madness: PERVOKINK is the new word of the day!

Dudes, I fell out...

Actually this sprung up around a survey conducted that found that more women regretting having one night stands than men did.

First reaction is to say “Well, duh!” but then you think about it, “Why more women than men for the same behavior?”

Whether it’s by nature or nature, double standards do still exist, very much so. Hence the reason I don’t hesitate to call men sluts or whores when they have warranted it.

Given some of my commentary in the past, it may seem to some of my reading audience that I am a complete judgmental prude when it comes to this sort of thing. Let me make myself clear:

I think if someone is simply free with their sexuality just for the sheer pleasure of it with no other neurosis or strings attached, furthermore being honest and open and ontop of that is careful about that lifestyle in order to prevent others from being emotionally or physically hurt then they are not a slut, but simply one who enjoys sexuality openly. Period.

However, this ideal, the person who is independent and emotionally self-sufficient enough to engage in such an intimate act with numerous people without emotional repercussions, is rare. Not non-existent, but it is rare. Most people who sleep around are lying ("I'll call you tomorrow") which indicates they have no respect for the other person and are just using them as masturbatory material or they using sex to bolster their self-esteem in some way, such as those that feel that their sexuality is a mean of making someone love them or those that feel that having the opposite sex sexually respond to them is the same as liking and respecting them, ergo the gals that flash their tits to get male attention and the men that keep "scorecards" to tally up their "conquests".

It’s usually pretty easy to tell which is one and which is the other. People who are just open about their sexuality can take or leave situations because, no pun intended, nothing is riding on it beyond a night of pleasure. Sluts are the ones that advertise, loudly, and get desperate to get that feedback because there is a lot more riding on their sexuality then sex.

But that's JMO from my own observations and experiences.

So spread the word! "Pervokink! Pervokink! Pervokink!"


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