Kip's Commentary

80% Attitude by Volume. P.S. All original comentary and content Copyright 2005, 2006 :P

Location: Somewhere, North Carolina, United States

“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot.” ~ D.H. Lawrence

Friday, June 17, 2005

Growl, growl, growl....

More Proof That This Generation Of Bushes Are A Bunch Of Jackasses.

Jeb Bush calls for probe into Shiavo 911 call….15 years ago!

Of for Gawd sake! It ‘s over! You all were as wrong as a 450 lb man in a thong. Wrong! There’s no evidence to convict him with anyway. Don’t waste anymore taxpayer money and time on this moot subject!

Dear Republican Party,

It is my formal recommendation that you permanently sterilize the Bush family in hopes of preventing an entire new crop of idiots that will further embarrass your party. Do it now.

Then send the Bush twins to Iraq. It might help your little recruiting problem.

Jane Q. Public.

Actually, the more extremists like Jeb Bush and Frist embarrass themselves, the more of a shot McCain has of getting the Republican Nom.

Given that the Democratic choices are…pretty much nothing at this point, and the fact that while I do not agree with all of McCain policies, at least from what I know of the man, I respect him and know he has respect for the American nation, it’s citizenry and it’s military.

RANT: So I Was Channel Flipping…

Waiting for CSI when I caught the new Tommy Hilfiger reality show called “The Cut”. Since they were tricking out cars, I watched. Two members of each team met with their client, the rapper “Fabulous”, at a club to determine what he wanted out of SUV. One team sent two girls, the other sent two guys.

This was embarrassing. The two girls basically acted like groupies, fawning over him and flirting with him. The only time they talked about the car was to say things like… “Oh, you want a car to have Princess (the girls actual name) to sit in? Well, we’d better make you a nice car then!”

The guys on the other hand, took the client aside and determined what he did actually want. The only thing the girls came back with was his favorite color and the fact he liked Vienna Fingers.

You can guess who won the competition, hands down.

To add insult to injury, the blonde basically was sitting around slacking while the rest of the team was busting their asses.

Now, these two bimbos were not the only girls in the competition, both teams also had chicks who got their hands dirty and intelligently and materially contributed to the projects as much as their male counterparts. But folks, the fact that two women in their late twenties would even think that way in a competition based on work performance is sadly indicative with what is happening in American society.

It’s not reverse sexism, that would be where men are being objectified they way women used to back in the 1950’s and 1960’s. It’s self-sexism, where women are objectifying themselves. For the last five or eight years, women in media and little girls have been sexualized to the point that that is the most important thing in their lives and what they think they can rely on that to get them through the big bad world.

First of all, I have no issues with beauty. Tyra Banks and Nicole Kidman, are two of the most stunningly beautiful women on the planet, but they are also very business astute (the former) and very talented (the latter). I admire both of them. There’s much more than just a pretty face those ladies and that’s why they achieve the levels of long term success that women like Iman and Jessica Alba haven’t (and at the rate Jessica is going, probably won’t). The harsh facts are that we live in a world of the two-income household and there are simply are not enough millionares in midlife-crisis to cover the rather large crop of female twits America is churning out, not to mention we won't look like that forever. Looks are great, but they are not going take care of you.

Yet the images placed in the media in the last few years keep telling women that being “hawt” is all that really matters. Male hip-hop stars having videos objectifying women are bad enough, but female stars seem to be doing it to themselves under the guise of “sexual liberation”. Men’s video strip women down, yet instead of the women’s videos stripping men down, they strip themselves and other women down. Three of the biggest ex-mousekteers: Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson, Christina Aguilera all present themselves as sex objects. (Christina’s saving grace is that she is so “out there” that she intimidates most men, not to mention actually having a voice.) As does Paris Hilton, most famous for...being famous, flagging career occasionally propped up "accidentally relased" sex tapes. Britney’s latest media offering, “Chaotic”, (No, I did not actually watch it. I have something against making my eyes bleed. I read the reviews and feedback on the radio. KROQ’s Laquicia is very good about these things.) sets the undesirable example that if you are a complete twit with a lot of money, you too can marry a talentless, lazy hanger-on and live in a mansion and have lots of clothes. The truth of the matter is most girls relying on their looks as much as Britney does to get by in the world that marry someone like Cleutus Federline end up living in a trailer park ducking the landlord.

And yet, there they all were, little 12 year old girls in mini-skirts or low rider jeans and kerchief tops and undersize T-Shirts with sexually suggestive, if not blatant, labels on them, just lining up to try and walk in Britney’s footsteps. (And then we all gasp in shock when we find out kids are running around having sex at age 12 and 13? HELL-LO! DUH!) These girls are coming up thinking that that is their primary asset: Their looks and their sexuality (before they even realize what that really means). I’ve run into these kids; thinking that Jessica Simpson is really smart and a role model to aspire to(!). That through their looks and sex they might gain fame and money and through fame and money they might find love. (Or worse, they might find “love” with someone who will provide them with fame and money.) I’ve seen oil stains with more depth and LSD hallucinations more realistic. Do not encourage children to believe that they are so beautiful that someone is just waiting to “fall in love with them and make them famous”. Do not teach them that some man is going to come along and take care of them if they are pretty enough. Pride in one’s appearance is good and necessary, but wholly relying on it only leads to misery and not only in her long term material well-being. The United States has the highest rate of cases of Anorexia Nervosa.

If a kid has dreams to be an artist of some kind, great. Encourage that, give them a guitar, send ‘em to acting school, go to their concerts, give them a sketch pad, praise their efforts. If your little girl is good looking, great. Tell her, but tell her also that that beauty is skin deep and is not going to get her through the world. Is she wants to get into the fashion world, fantastic! Tell her she had better have something like design or fashion marketing under her belt in case things on the runway don’t pan out. Tell all girls that they had better have skills, knowledge, work ethic, and desire to achieve career goals. (Having career goals other than “I want to have J-Lo’s wardrobe.” would be a nice start.) Lest they end up like that silly, lazy blonde on The Cut last night: Losing.

Be beautiful, be sexy, but back it up with something real. Like these chicks…

Salma Hayek
Danica Patrick
Angelina Jolie
Amanda Beard
Marion Jones
Shania Twain
Faith Hill

Many, many others!

You Know You’ve Become A Cultural Institution When…


Hits Just Keep On Comin’…

6.6 earthquake rocks ocean off Northern California

So that’s 6 in five days.

Best of luck this weekend!

Keeping my fingers crossed that Dale and the 8 crew can find the set up. Best of luck and a safe race to the 8, 6 and 38 teams!

EDIT: Heard Dale was under the weather. Hope he gets well soon!


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