Kip's Commentary

80% Attitude by Volume. P.S. All original comentary and content Copyright 2005, 2006 :P

Location: Somewhere, North Carolina, United States

“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot.” ~ D.H. Lawrence

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Democrats & Drivers

November 11th, 2006

Dear Congressmen, Congresswomen and Senators,

Congratulations on the Democratic Party’s retaking the House and the Senate. At last we can begin to breathe a little easier knowing that the legislation proposed by this the incompetent and ethically corrupt Bush administration will no longer simply be rubberstamped by a neo-conservative congress, that the balance of power between the three branches is finally returning.

Things gave gotten very, very bad in the last six years. We have placed our trust in your hands to bring back America, Land of the Free, Home of the Brave. Please, we beg you, don’t mess this up.

Now here is where I think the new Congress needs to start.

1. The security recommendations of the 9-11 Commission should put in place with all due diligence and speed. We want to be safe and “safe” means actually protecting American citizens not waging a morally nebulous war overseas.

2. A plan to withdraw our troops from Iraq within the next three years should be created as soon as possible, perhaps sooner.

3. We want an end to the Patriot Act, warrentless wiretapping and the Military Commissions Act. We want our 4th Amendment rights and our right of Habeas Corpus back. We want a complete end to the torture of detainees, no matter how the president may define it. Police departments all over the U.S. manage to illicit confessions everyday without laying a finger on their prisoners. Maybe the CIA and DOD interrogators should go take a class with the NYPD. We also want public trails of terrorism suspects and we want to suspects and their attorneys to have access to the evidence against them. If we “know” these people are trying to harm us, we should have proof and not be afraid of showing that proof.

Plus you can point out that as long as the Patriot Act has been in effect, it hasn’t caught anyone.

I never understood how having the FBI look at my pelvic exams was supposed to catch terrorists anyway.

Sorry, little off-color humor there.

4. You of course know there needs to be a comprehensive plan to eliminate the national debt. That means not only going after pork but rolling back tax cuts for the rich and corporations. Before I retuned to college full time this year, I was making 45k a year and paid 17% in federal and state taxes and I doubt I was the only one. I don’t mind doing my part, but when I hear that corporations pay only 5% of their income I find that completely unfair. There is an axiom about blood and stones that applies. Go after the people that have the money to make up for the mad spending spree the GOP has been on for the last 6 years.

5. We want an investigation into the misuse of taxpayer dollars by government contractors and companies like Haliburton with charges filed for any fraud or criminal misconduct. 45$ for a 6-pack of Pepsi applies as fraud.

6. We want veterans benefits to keep pace with the growing need of members of the armed services. We got them into this, we need to take care of them for the injuries they sustained on our behalf.

That's enough to start with.




Best of Luck to Elliott and Dale at Phoenix today!

An interesting interview with Eillott in Paddock Talk Friday. Car of Tomorrow and Hunting.

Wonder how they adjusted the gear ratio?

And the beard is back! Yea!

Though I must say *this* pic is swiftly becoming one of my faves. *chuckle*

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