Kip's Commentary

80% Attitude by Volume. P.S. All original comentary and content Copyright 2005, 2006 :P

Location: Somewhere, North Carolina, United States

“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot.” ~ D.H. Lawrence

Monday, June 26, 2006

You Like Me! You Really, Really Like Me!

It seems I have a fan.

Wow, I never realized I engendered such deep feelings in people. Just so rewarding to know I have touched a life....

If it can be termed as such.


Oh, Lawd, I haven’t laughed like that in a while.

See, I told you I'd post something fun. ;)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't see any comments at all on fingerprint anymore. (just got in from...out) i guess that was the final straw? what a sad day. there was a time i looked forward to seeing A) where the conversation would go next and B) who (geographically, politically, and idealistically) would pop up next. what a shame.

i know you thought it was funny, but i just don't. i thought it was the prisoners who write letters to the on-air girls i work with. the attitude, alignment with certain historical all reminded me of people we've had to call the cops on before. and if that freak is still out scoping: check out my new sig:

copywrite 2006. do not use without permission.

June 27, 2006 2:46 AM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

Well, it's gone now. Either blogger moved fast on it or DEIPower yanked it down himself after I tracked him back to his lair, either way it's over.

I was discussing this with a pal form my SciFi board last night and he agrees I do seem to attacrt these people. *chuckle* No matter what debate I get into the biggest kook gravitates towards me like homing pigeon. *rueful sigh* What can you do? Getting upset about it just empowers them, better to give them the lack of respect they deserve through ridicule.

What is sad is that this jackass managed to trash an otherwise decent convesation in his weak ass attempt to garner his pound of flesh. If a single one of those types that just lurk waiting for an opening could conduct a rational discussion in the first place, Jade's comments section wouldn't have been trashed so much. Granted I may have misstepped once or twice, but the reason things got out so out of hand was because people had to make everything personal. *shrug*

At least JYD, Cyn and D2 have my blog address, so perhaps all is not lost.

How have you been btw?

June 27, 2006 7:54 AM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

I think because of the dust up with "Judas", Jade got sick of the fighting and yanked the comments down. Cyn theorizes it might be because of the Flightplan discussion, but in any case he took them down. I'm sure we'll get an explanation once he cools off.

Or we'll get yelled at, again. *chuckle*

June 27, 2006 9:32 AM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

Glad to see you found this place. :) How's your day going?

June 27, 2006 9:33 AM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

Yeah, I will miss it too. Perhaps he may be looking into comments that he can moderate, I hope so. It would suck if his comment section was taken down.

But y'know, everyone is welcome here in the interim. :)

June 27, 2006 10:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aloha, peeps. Just checking to see if the feds will be coming to my door soon.

How've i been? I have been overworked, underpaid, stressed out, and drunkenly reveling. basically in that order. I worked 5 am until 9 am, then 3pm to 9pm yesterday, (after a weekend of 16 hour days)and when i tried to sleep between shifts i found out nana hadn't been taking her rx' know, unimportant things like heart medication and diabetes stuff. she just decided she din't wanna.

i'm too young to have a 90-year-old toddler.

so after second shift was done, i went out and got wrecked with friends. what can you do? i work 3 jobs to hold this mess together, have to walk a tightrope between making sure she takes her meds without making her cry, last summer's ex is trying to track me down because he decided i'm the best thing that ever happened to him apparently (why couldn't he have figured that out, oh i dunno, Last Summer?)and then when i check to see if anyone had a reaction to the new york times ruckus, i find instead that i am an innocent bystander in the agenda of delusional assholes.

but, you know, at least i still have my health. (ow...head)

as i said before, Jade is essentially letting the lowest common denominator bully their way into control. I don't have half the interest in commenting that I once did, because of where it will inevitably go now. Nothing against him, but if it's going to be a constant pep-rally for assholes as opposed to what it used to be, which was more of a personal blog for him that was interesting and informative, than i just don't have time to waste on it. It sucks, but there you go.

there are so many junior sites...why do they have to have the last word on Jade's too? Do they know him? Is jr's occasional bad attitude as regards pr/early mornings/un-fun appearances rubbing off on his more militant fans? I would think that *they* would be why making public appearances has ceased to be enjoyable, but whatever. without jade making these interviews and appearances happen, they'd never get to see their idol.

regardless, i'm getting so tired of him trying to please everyone, even if they're crazy and will never be pleased. we'e not the ones calling budweiser to score free stuff, or making threats to reporters, or going off the rails at the slightest provocation. we just get a little off-topic. it's not the end.

oh, memory does me no good at all with people who don't need a reason to make drama.

drama, drama, drama.

and, as always now:

copywrite 2006. do not use without permission.

June 27, 2006 11:51 AM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

*chuckle* Thanks guys.

Yeah, it's been...interesting to watch things evolve on Jade's blog. The right-wing fans went dormant for a while, but now they are back with a vengence. The fact that we were right (Big surprise, people who read the news actually knew what was going on. *shocking!*) has only inflamed their hatred further. Logic doesn't seem to have a place in their world, only viceral reaction, which is why, I suppose things get so crazy so often at Dale's public apperances: They don't think.

At least we had the place and the time to really chat and get to know each other. We do seem to have gathered into a pretty interesting group. :)

It will be interesting, to say the least, to see how he handles this. If the comments stay down, well I can understand his reasoning. I won't stop reading the blog. But y'know, I don't enjoy being told to shoot myself in the head or having jackoffs off their medication stalking me, so I won't miss it all that much.

The NYT thing, well I do find it amusing how Bush claims "congress was fully briefed" and Rep. Harmon said, (in essence), "Uh yeah. *AFTER* he knew the press had gotten a hold of it." Which is pretty much how the wiretap deal went down, wasn't it?

Life sounds pretty rough Vic, I wish I could do more than just say, hang in there but...hang in there and if you ever need a break, I'm right down the road. I hope the office politics at the TV station have inproved at least. Any more articles/column/letter published?

June 27, 2006 1:18 PM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

Dollene, that's so sad! Can you run out and snag them yourself?

June 27, 2006 2:49 PM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

Swine. Hope she uses him for a scrathing post too.

How old are they?

June 27, 2006 3:12 PM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

That's pushing it, but it's possible with steady nursing they will survive.

Of course, city animal shelters are not know for their warm and fuzzy kindness, at least in L.A. they aren't. Did you co-worker grab them?

People who don't love animals/have never had pets have something missing emotionally. I think the most basical human feeling is compassion for helpess beings and dog and cats are completely helpless in our hands. If you don't have sympathy for a create who is completely at your mercy, how can you have sympathy for anything or anything?

June 27, 2006 3:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hope kitties are okay. we've taken cats in that were abandoned by their mama, bottle-fed, and then grew into the most loving little things in the world. health was never "robust", but personalities were outrageously sweet.

it's true, people who don't love animals have something weird missing. i'm not about putting animals over people or anythng, by all means - i'd rather people eat the cow than starve - but i don't get the enjoyment of cruelty, or the indifference of some people. it's a living thing, with feelings, and a personality, and something in you should respond to that. i do believe in that whole "serial killers start out torturing small animals and work their way bigger" thing, and indifference to suffering (or enjoyment of it) is the same in the person who does it, regardless of the victim. i bet these uncaring jerks you describe are the same people who make terrible neighbors, selfish lovers, and unreliable friends, too. the "chip" is missing.

(my not eating red meat or pork is based more on our current agriculture/meat packing/over-processed food industry than any saint-like abstinence or anything. i wish i was that good, but really it's fear of chemicals and bovine growth hormones and ovarian cancers and all that fun stuff that keep me eating salads. sorry. i miss having options, if not the actual taste - except bacon. man i miss bacon.)

anyway, don't mind me complaining. things are actually getting better all the time, soon i'll be out of debt (not fun-stuff debt, i want to pay my ex-fiancee back for some things so that he can't "hold" anything over me...which is a weird non-debt, but i'm paying it anyway, i guess it's a karma thing or maybe a self-confidence thing) and i've bought a new (used) camera, and i have my beautiful little's just that my days are long and i get stressed when i get scared about nana's health. then the domino effect takes over, and suddenly i'm getting sick and run-down. i hate sounding like some old-fashioned wuss, but if i could just find a guy who wasn't more trouble than he was worth, it would help my attitude. i'm tired of being hated for saying no to guys who are too into the drugs and drinking, and i'm tired of dating the "clean-living" types - only to discover too late that they are frighteningly jealous over everything from what i wore to a friend's wedding to hanging out with my GAY (safe, safe, safe!) friends. for crying out loud...aren't there any other options? where are all the grownups?

but i digress. if you wanna help, fix me up with a better paying job or a great looking man. other than that, just letting me rant is a great help. ;)

(i work thru these points backwards, didja notice?)

i never made the connection between mike not blogging and crazy people, but it's a hopeful thought. i was beginning to think there must be something wrong with me, that i was so annoyed with the bitterness and no one else seemed to be. but perhaps you're right, and that is why the nature of jade's posts seem to have changed somewhat, too. it could be, but then again, that doesn't mean it's anything but coincidence. it's still a shame, no matter the details, that people will waste so much energy on being mean, where there's so much good that could be done.

the fact that it makes me angry is my problem - i try to stay calm, but i do get pretty hot. well, i guess it's a reminder of how not to be, in case we needed one. the universe or whoever has a way of providing that kinda shit sometimes.

maybe that's what ALL of our current problems are really about. it's a nice thought.

anyway, back farther...i'm a fan of jr's, too, but i feel like the definition of "fan" for him has gone a long way from center. like you're only a tourist unless you become obsessed. that's not right. it's not fair to him and those around him, it's not fair to the other drivers, it's not fair to the other fans, it's deeply anti-social behavior, too (YOUR way is Wrong!) and it's destructive to the person who ignores the rest of their life because they have to know where he is This Minute! and what does he eat? and would he like me? (which is like a middle school crush, when you get right down to brass tacks) he's like an addiction to some of these people, everything is acceptable as long as it Serves Jr.

whether he wants it or not.

i love "if you're a girl, Jr will never go out with you" btw, Dollene. that one cracked me up, and restored some perspective on the nonsense. i was getting freaked out, but maybe that's all it is at heart.

well, enough of this, i've gone on too long. shutting up, except to say: yes, i've been doing a lot of writing, and it's been getting published and stuff, so that's going pretty well. i'm having a lot of fun...just not a lot of sleep. oh, ya can't have everything. :)

peace out!

copywrite 2006. do not use without permission.

June 27, 2006 10:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i knew i missed something...

in answer to your question, kip, the office politics at the station continue at their regular strength - not that I have to notice anymore. woohoo! i love being back in engineering. it's so calm, and steady, and i can spice it up anytime i get the notion and tackle something a little more difficult...or just spend saturday morning painting nails and balancing checkbook. as long as everything runs on time and at full capacity, no one says boo about it. there are times when we have genuine emergencies, and then it's pretty much me on the spot to fix it, but other than that, it's like being the maytag repairman making a guest appearance on a soap opera. the drama goes on all around me, but not *with* me.
i like the change in pace an emergency brings, now. and when someone's being a schmuck, i can wait, walk away, and then say "what an asshole" and everyone just agrees. sometimes they come into my little "hole" (where i wait to demand $ from billygoats crossing my bridge, i guess) specifically to talk to someone who'll listen and not use. i feel like the parish priest sometimes, but i can always say "get out, i don't wanna know". and believe me, i do.
(plus, i yelled at the guy with my old job today, he said nothing about it. he screwed up, i yelled, he took it like the little ass-kissing bitch he so IS, and i went back to work with no hard feelings and no old business. it's a nice feeling to know sucking up is not a part of *my* job description anymore)

now if we can all just get thru the chief's "mood swings" (he's the only *real* engineer, which makes his life a living hell lately...and there was a death in the fam, which sucks so much) everything will be a-ok.

i just need sleeeeeeeep....

copywrite 2006. do not use without permission.

June 27, 2006 10:44 PM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

Lack of sleep can really put an accentuated twist on things. I usually find my worser moments are when I’ve been getting 6 to 4 hours a night during the week as opposed to 8. I get depressed and twitchy and everything is colored by that. Short shifting sleep is fine for a day or three, but beyond that you’re looking at diminishing returns. I know it’s hard with the three jobs and your grandmom, but trying to carve out (and you may have to be forcible about it) some time for a good 8 hours a night might help out. :)

Glad to hear you got back in engineering and away from stress you seriously did not need and that you are writing lots and getting published. That must feel great!

I have to agree on the definition of “Fan” vs. “Jr Fan”. I find it very ironic that a driver who made a point of splitting himself off from what was considered mainstream NASCAR “redneck” culture when he came into Winston Cup now has an utterly monolithic fanbase marching in time and bullying anyone who has a difference of opinion, let alone those that don’t fit into the mainstream. What pisses me off is while the pack descends, we get called “trouble makers” just for having different opinions and nothing more. The only way we can’t be “trouble makers” in their definition of the word is to chant monotone: “Dale Jr. is the greatest person in all of NASCAR and can do no wrong. Dale Sr. should be canonized. George Bush is a great president who is protecting the American people. I love the Patriot Act…” But think about it, as much bullying as we took on Jade’s comments section, can you imagine what Jade probably got in anonymous e-mails when he started the blog up? All that “You’re poisoning Jr.’s mind” crap? In the end Jade is trying to keep everyone happy and not step on anyone toes. His job is to keep Dale Jr. popular and he can’t do that by alienating the portions of the fanbase that buy the most chachkis. *shrug*

Speaking of which I see the comments are back up, with a gentle reminder where he is coming from and perfect examples of what we were talking about before the entire brouhaha started: crazy people.

BTW-Has anyone heard from JYD lately? And I haven’t seen D2 since she got back from the Clinton Library.

Totally understand paying the Ex back thing. I am the same way. When I break up with someone, I don’t want any kind of ties left over. No debts, especially emotional ones. I like to keep my romantic life tidy. I want it done quick and clean and permanent. Hell, I even return all the gifts. My last and I had been sharing a Nextel account and they wouldn’t just split up the phones. When I rejected his offer keep the account open and just have me send him money, he was very offended. The only thing I regret returning is that he had gotten me a tarot deck that I really worked well with, I haven’t found one that I have worked as well with since. *smacks forehead*

June 28, 2006 10:03 AM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

Thanks Dollene. By taking it down and putting it back up when he did, as well as the change in the blog description, I pretty much know who it is. I'm printing out all his crap in case he escalates and I have to go to the cops, but beyond that, whatever. He's a serious loser with no life who likes to make himself feel important. Despite spending night and day on a NASCAR board, he claims to work for "Intelligence" just to show you how lame he is. I trounced his ass in several political arguments last year (He reads NewsMax, if that gives you any indication) and he spent months harassing me non-stop in every single thread I participated in. I got sick of it and left in February. It's seems he misses me terribly. Perhaps no one pays attention to him otherwise.

Oh, he also has biiiig issues with "uppity women", like me and Danica Patrick. Just typing this out is giving him more attention that he deserves, so don't worry about it. :)

Thank your co-worker from all of us feline lovers. That was very nice of her and her grandma. :)

Why is it the most inhumane people end up in animal control?

June 28, 2006 2:40 PM  

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