Kip's Commentary

80% Attitude by Volume. P.S. All original comentary and content Copyright 2005, 2006 :P

Location: Somewhere, North Carolina, United States

“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot.” ~ D.H. Lawrence

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

World Gone Mad


Negotiations between the human and feline contingents opened at 12:15 am this morning and after several fits & starts and back & forths and bug bites of various varieties, Bastet reentered the flat at 3:20 am, EST. Other than a couple ticks (so much for Revolution) she seems none the worse for wear (coat’s a little dry) and I woke up with her curled up next to me this morning so while part of me feels like a control freak, she’s not holding it against me.

*sigh* Fur kids.

The United Nations

Violence in East Timor continued to spiral out of control over the weekend, with U.N. Peacekeepers proving themselves to be ineffectual. The United Nations is at a crossroads. Either they go the way of the League of Nations or they start putting their foot down because in the last 20 years they have gotten on the fast track to being nothing but a huge waste of time and money.

I respect the idea and the ideals. The world is too small and too complicated to not have an open forum to discuss international issues, not only war, but agriculture, economic development, human rights, medical care, and international law. There’s a lot more in the U.N.’s plate than just America and Iraq. There are almost 200 nations on the earth and there needs to be some forum for them to hold moderated discussions so that they may work out differences and come to mutually beneficial arrangements. But the U.N. also needs to prove that not only they have cleaned house from the recent Oil for Food and Peacekeeper Rape scandals as well as corrected for the failures in Dafur and Rwanda. They must prove that they will not allow it’s members to break international law. That it can do more than simply provide a room but can make what is agreed upon in the room into a reality in order to create a more peaceful and universally prosperous world.

If they do not, they will pass into irrelevance as the League of Nations did shortly before the outbreak of WWII when they failed to take action when Hitler began re-arming Germany in direct violation of the Treaty of Versailles.

For example, the U.N. should be taking the lead in coordinating relief efforts such as those needed for the victim of the earthquake in Indonesia Saturday.

Prayers to them, may the Lord and Lady give them shelter and safety and help them find their loved ones.

I Doubt You Need Me to Tell You This…

Violence continued to increase in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Man, do I feel foolish for freaking out over my cat.


Mixed Feelings

Bush Signs Law to Prevent Protest at Military Funerals.

While I am an advocate of Free Speech, I do think protesting at a family funeral of a service man or women is in incredibly bad taste. When I heard about Westboro Baptist Church earlier and the actions taken by Patriot Guard Riders to keep them away from the funerals themselves I was disgusted and gratified respectively. But should it be illegal? Should the government start restricting protests on public property? I mean, more than they already are? (Y’know, I didn’t know Clinton had started that little gimmick. Jackass.) Had this been any other president, I would not have minded so much, but since this is George W. Patriot Act-“Hand Pick my Audience Please” Bush, it worries me.

Another Lesser Light

I forgot to mention this film the other day when I was speaking of smaller, but really good film Hollywood just didn’t market properly.

Cherish is quirky in a way the Hollywood wishes it could be. It gets labeled a romantic comedy, but it really isn’t. It’s the story of a codependent (though she is never actually labeled as such) girl in San Francisco who learns self confidence and independence by being trapped in her apartment by a bracelet program when a stalker frames her for murder. Staring Robin Tuney (Now of “Prison Break” fame) and greekily attractive and great actor (and vocalist I might add, I’ve seen the man perform when the “Down From the Mountain” Tour came to L.A.) Tim Blake Nelson who rose to fame as “Del” in Oh Brother, Where Out Thou? as her antagonistic and sympathetic Parole Officer, Cherish is a great but weird story that is a little bit of a jump for the audience to begin with, but from then on it’s allowed to breathe and grow naturally so that all the odd events and characters encountered are contained within a world that feels so real, the audience doesn’t even blink. The music is cool too.

Hope everyone has a great day!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think people have a right to bury thier loved ones in peace. And not hear the hecklers and cackles of those who protest this war.

It is an invasion of a family's privacy. Think for one moment as YOU bury your Dad, son, brother and you have a crowd of 9-12 people protesting during the service? How inappropriate is that?

The bottom line's wrong. You may not agree with what GWB does in general but for goodness sake have a little respect for the family that's grieving.......

The last thing they wanna hear is a bunch of idiots protesting at a funeral service.

June 13, 2006 12:51 PM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

I agree that it is incredibly unkind and in extremely poor taste and as such, it's a very legitimate question to be discussed. I'm not committed fully to one side or another on this issue, I guess what I am trying to say is that standing alone, the rule itself is good. It's just the record of the person who put the rule in place that makes me nervous.

June 13, 2006 1:11 PM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

I've been giving what you said some thought and you are right: No matter who made this decision it is a good one. As much as I disaprove of the Bush adminstration, he is capable of positive actions (rare though they maybe) such as this and the fact that he encouraged Palestine and Israel along on the "Raodmap to Peace".

June 14, 2006 10:56 AM  

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