On Being "Upptiy"
My NC History professor had focused on the 1920's in his own studies and it is a fascinating period. Much of what we consider distinctly "American" such as professional sports, the young Americans as their own "Youth Culture", cars as part of our popular culture, jazz, blues and so on emerged in the 1920's.
(And of course, we all know that prohibition led to big colorful race cars whipping around a track at 190 mph., now America’s fastest growing sport.)
But many conservative Christian groups railed against the heyday of the Jazz era as a decline of American culture. One of their specific targets were “Uppity women” ie. the “flappers” whom they saw as the sirens of hedonism and sin, rebelling against the “Natural place” of women in the kitchen.
So for Vic, Squirrel, Bellbird, Denise2, Andrea, Robbie, Ywrose, Snowball, Karen, Mom and all the other “uppity women” out there (though Bell and Squirrel are Commonwealth and probably don't have to deal with this), here is a description of a typical “flapper” from a college newspaper of the era that my professor read aloud in class:
“Any real girl that has the vitality of womanhood, who feels puglistically inclined when called “the weaker sex”, who resents being put on a pedestal and worshipped from afar, who wants to get into things, is a flapper.”

Isn't that just the cat's pajama's?
So we’re flappers, who knew?
Be proud, be uppity. :D
(And of course, we all know that prohibition led to big colorful race cars whipping around a track at 190 mph., now America’s fastest growing sport.)
But many conservative Christian groups railed against the heyday of the Jazz era as a decline of American culture. One of their specific targets were “Uppity women” ie. the “flappers” whom they saw as the sirens of hedonism and sin, rebelling against the “Natural place” of women in the kitchen.
So for Vic, Squirrel, Bellbird, Denise2, Andrea, Robbie, Ywrose, Snowball, Karen, Mom and all the other “uppity women” out there (though Bell and Squirrel are Commonwealth and probably don't have to deal with this), here is a description of a typical “flapper” from a college newspaper of the era that my professor read aloud in class:
“Any real girl that has the vitality of womanhood, who feels puglistically inclined when called “the weaker sex”, who resents being put on a pedestal and worshipped from afar, who wants to get into things, is a flapper.”

Isn't that just the cat's pajama's?
So we’re flappers, who knew?
Be proud, be uppity. :D
If being uppity means lounging in satin with my leopard, waiting for my next scandalous affair, i'll have some of that thank you.
Josephine Baker rocks. Angelina Jolie so wishes she knew what real suffering was like, so she could overcome it with T&A (as opposed to "accidentally" making out with a sibling and using orphans to steal a married man - love the michael douglas quote on that, btw) and actually be interesting for once without a pr blitz engineering it.
ooo, bitter. and to think, i kinda like angie...just not brad anymore.
i digress, the definition is cool. let's all flap, then.
I too like the Jolie, I think a lot of women do. Maybe beause she has that dark Lilltih (The Goddess, not Fraiser) thing going on. But you are right, there no one out there who can compare to the Likes of lady Josephine. She was working for Civil Rights before there were Cvil Rights. That's just the bees knees.
I wanna flap!
Actually, If I can run around looking like I walked off the set of Chicago, I want the clothes.
Scandalous affair? Need to broaden that definftion a tad: passionate, hot, sweaty, animal heat scanadalous affair. With Luuuurve.
hey that's a load of shit on jade's comment section.
hey kip...
i just read the comments on jade's blog.
that got outta control.
Hey JYD! I was just about to ask someone if they had seen you 'round lately. How's it going? How's the little one?
Well, maybe I shouldn't have said anything, but it got waaay out of hand. I should have expected that the instant I showed some weakness the same jackals who went after me last year (and rarely post on Jade's blog I might add) would dive right in.
*shrug* Whatever.
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