Kip's Commentary

80% Attitude by Volume. P.S. All original comentary and content Copyright 2005, 2006 :P

Location: Somewhere, North Carolina, United States

“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot.” ~ D.H. Lawrence

Saturday, April 08, 2006

The Good, The Bad and the Big Question...

Not in that order...

Well, I decided I had been so busy the week prior to take a little time over the following week and catch up on my class reading.

Still have to do that damn term paper tho’.

Anyway, It’s been busy.

First Of All...

I would like to point up an update to my link on the side. Most notably Archren’s Book Review, a site that reviews Sci-Fi, Fantasy and other works of fiction and non-fiction as well as provides a wealth of links for the bibliophile, from publications to on-line stores.

Now, onto the fun...

Who's Supporting the Troops?

If you didn't think there was another way for them to be jacked over by the government, think again:

"In the latest broadside against Halliburton and its performance in Iraq, Senate Democrats produced an e-mail Friday from Capt. A. Michelle Callahan, a family physician serving at Qayyarah Airfield West, recounting how she treated six infections over a two-week period in January, at the same time she was noticing the water in base showers was cloudy and foul-smelling.

Follow-up testing of the water soldiers were using to bathe, shave and even brush their teeth revealed evidence of coliform and E. coli bacteria...Further investigation revealed that the water the troops were using was actually wastewater from a purification unit, she wrote."

Gotta love those no-bid contracts.

Toady Scooter Speaks

Scooter Libby testified this week that President Bush authorized him to leak sensitive classified data in order to discredit Wilson's report from Niger. While this was not the final ax-fall of disclosing who authorized the leak of Valerie Plame’s name to the press, it does reveal the glaring hypocrisy of an administration who “cares so much about homeland security” as to leak classified information to the press, the personal hypocrisy of Bush who has been yelling about going after the leak in government and prosecuting those responsible for years, as well as highlighting Bush’s obsessive drive to invade Iraq.

How the legal wrangling of how this unfolds is going to be very illuminating because at question here is the limit of presidential power. Right now they say the president has the authority to release classified information, but this release was obviously was not made with the best interests of the United States at heart. Though we still don’t know who leaked Plame’s name, the article says that “Disclosing the identity of an undercover CIA officer can be a felony in certain circumstances.” Really? I should think such a release of information would be directly detrimental to national security and as such, treasonous.

*Props to TotalFarker Wise-Guy

So does the Bush administration have to right to do as they please regardless of the law, or not? Yes, there are loop holes they can manipulate, but are they going to be allowed to? Congress and SCOTUS have the power in this case to decide the limits of power for an ever dictatorial Executive Branch.

Checks and balances were created for just this reason.

Decline and Fall of the American Empire

Mercenary Troops Raised in North Carolina.

Apparently this is nothing new to America, (it’s so cute, they have their own website)just the first one to be openly originated on American soil.

For those of you that don’t know, this is one of the things that helped Rome down it’s long road to demise. It’s also shows America’s glaring hypocrisy, since we get all huffy about Great Britain using Hessian mercenaries during the Revolutionary war. More proof that a great many Americans have no clue of their own history, no respect for the ideals that created it. One of which was the refusal to use paid thugs loyal to no one but the almighty dollar/pound/yen/rubble/shekel/whatever-currency-is-valued-highest to enforce Federal policy, but instead to use an army of the people to protect the United States.

I know this is nothing new, but to read abut it in such blatant terms…I guess I am just naïve. *shake head*

I think I am going to be sick.

However, There Are Some Very Good Things About North Carolina

Thank You Harry Taylor

"You never stop talking about freedom, and I appreciate that, but while I listen to you talk about freedom, I see you assert your right to tap my telephone, to arrest me and hold me without charges, to try to preclude me from breathing clean air and drinking clean water and eating safe food….What I want to say to you, is that I, in my lifetime, I have never felt more ashamed of, nor more frightened by, my leadership in Washington. I feel like, despite your rhetoric, that compassion and common sense have been left far behind during your administration. In my lifetime, I have never felt more ashamed of my leadership in Washington and I would hope from time to time that you have the humility and grace to be ashamed of yourself."

I really think folks need to watch the video and see how Bush simply does not listen to what this guy is saying.

It’s been a long time since I have been proud of my country, 3 years or so, and I would like to thank Harry Taylor for voicing the criticisms and concerns that much of America has for this current administration.

As the situtions of American Freedoms, and the wel-being of our service personell and the Iraqui people swiftly deteriorate, it time to take the electronic activism of the internet into the real world, to challenge the warped and inherently un-American ideologies of the Bush administration head on in pubic debate. Thank you Harry Taylor for showing us the way.

Though Electronic Activism is a very good thing too. Someone get that kid a Scholarship.

Another Good Thing

Delay Departs

The article is right in saying that more Republicans will now be free to go their own way, but I think the only way they are going to maintain control of the congress come this November is by disassociating themselves with the Bush administration.

They either lose the power in the Executive Office or they lose it in the House. Were I the coach of that team (because you know, it's just a sport to these people), I would sacrifice the Bush administration for more long term gains.


I don't know what to say about the U.S. withdrawal of aid from Palestine. That's just such a freakin' mess. Should Hamas recognize Israel? Yes. Should Israel stop bombing the country just because Hamas is in charge? Yes. Should we be interfering in duly elected governments? No, but it's really not fair for us to be giving aid to Israel and not to Palestine either.

It's just a mess. And old mess. I don't know what to think.

And Another: A CEO...TAKES A PAY CUT!

*heart attack!*

CEO of FORD refuses Salary and Bonuses Until Company is Profitable.

Good Lord could the Corporate Culture actually be changing from “Rape and Pillage” to into “Personal Responsibility”?

Please Lord and Lady, let it be so!

Belated Congratulations!

To Dale Jr. for driving that beat-up "battlewagon" to forth place last week. That was impressive! As well as to Elliott, for his 6 place finish (that was cool how you tried for the win!) and pulling the #38 to 9th, and Mark Martin for getting to 2nd place in the standings! Whooo! Go Mark!

Everyone is in Texas this weekend, so best of Luck to the #8, the #38 and the #6!

Now then, off to study...


Blogger Jimmy the Saint said...

You are right about Earnhardt Jr. I just wish he would find his way back to the winner's circle. I was glad to see Gordon fall way back late. Gordon is such a p---y. I don't wish wrecks on anyone, but I don't shed a tear when someone taps him in the bumper and sends him spinning or towards the wall. Also, Harry Taylor is the man!! It is sad how he was booed though, but I am glad he had the balls to stand up and say what needed to be said.

April 09, 2006 12:25 AM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

he sees the inside of a winner circle, but before he gets his championship. :D

Harry Taylor rules. I think I'm going to start going to go to at least one meet and greet for all the reps running in my state for November and see if I can ask them a single question: "How will you work to stop the Bush administration?"

Thanks for your comment, sorry about the delay. :)

April 09, 2006 10:08 AM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

Whoops, I meant that to begin: "I wouldn't worry too much Jimmy, with Dale Jr. it's only a matter of time not only before...he sees the inside of a winner circle, but before he gets his championship. :D"

April 09, 2006 10:10 AM  
Blogger Jimmy the Saint said...

Well maybe Dale could get some pointers from #20. They are pretty tight, right? Tony has been kicking ass for a year now, although Dale has been finishing consistently well. I can't in good conscience volunteer for Casey. I'll vote for him over Santorum though. I just hope that Warner runs in '08. I saw Tim Russert the other night. He had the two guys who ran Warner's VA Governor campaign on. They basically said what they think the Dems need to do to win back the South. The next Dem to run better have them run the campaign, not some retreads that have worked on Dukakis or Gore or even Kerry. We need proven winners, especially ones that have elected Dems to high office in supposedly Red states. Here is a link to the book they wrote

April 10, 2006 11:47 PM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

Sorry about the delay, again. :)

Dale and Tony are fairly tight, Definately similar sense of humor at work with those two. Tony is one of those guy that can drive anything with a wheel, he brought a lot of his open wheel experience with him when he can into NASCAR and I don't know that anything Dale can pick up unless he goes out and started running open wheel races. I attened one of the Party Tents last year in which Dale ran onstage for 20 minutes and just fielded questions from the audience, I asked him if he was planning any extra curricular driving activities and short answer "No, too busy." :( But the boy does progress, he's a heck of a lot smoother from just 2 years ago. It considered heresy in the fanbase, but I think the biggest thing holding him back is his cousin. I haven't had the opportunity to see how they are working together this year, but until then the Eurys are the King so "It's not my fault" and you can't be a good CC by pointing fingers at everyone else. Hopefully, that has improved since 2004.

I'm not familiar with PA political landscape, heck I'm just learning NC :), but it does look like he (Warner) has supporters pushing for a presidential bid:

Wow, looks like he could be a strong candiate.Thanks for the book recomend, I'll check it out!

April 11, 2006 1:24 PM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

Pardon all the typos.

And just for the reord, I do respect Dale's loyalty to his family and being the kind of person who would put frienship & family over a professional career.

Thank for the tip off on Warner, I'll keep my eye on him. He certainly is more promising than anyone else the rumors have the dem fielding.

April 11, 2006 1:28 PM  

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