Kip's Commentary

80% Attitude by Volume. P.S. All original comentary and content Copyright 2005, 2006 :P

Location: Somewhere, North Carolina, United States

“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot.” ~ D.H. Lawrence

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Speaking of a Religion of Hate

Pat Robertson Calls for Assassination of Venezuelan President.

Says the man who slammed Bush for saying that the murderous ruler of Liberia, already indicted for war crimes, needed to step down. I guess Bush should have said he would assassinate him instead. Would that be o.k. with the CBN?

Or is it just duly elected governments critical of the Bush administration that we can not only criticize , but advocate the murder of their elected leaders, as opposed to brutal regimes that we have an 8 million dollar interest in?

And “Muslim extremism”? When did Venezuela become a Muslim country?

“Thou shalt not kill” Pat, ever heard that one? Maybe we should just throw him and Osama bin Laden in a steel cage death match for the World Fundamental Extremist Title….

And then keep the winner locked up. Forever.

No scratch that, we should.

And where is the outrage from the rest of the Christian Community for this hate speech anyway? Shouldn’t you be policing yourselves if you do not stand behind Robertson’s statements? If the Muslims have to do it, so shouldn’t you?

Martin Luther is spinning in his grave.

The Neo-Cons Really Need New Rhetoric.

Anti-War Protestors Clash with Bush Supporters in Cindy Sheehan’s Hometown

"It's time to lay down the anger. We need to continue to uphold those people over there, to uphold those men and women with their boots on the ground," said Deborah Johns of the Northern California Marine Moms, who helped organize the caravan and addressed supporters outside the Vacaville Reporter newspaper in Sheehan's hometown.

Some caravan members called the anti-war protesters communists and said they were "aiding and abetting the enemy." Those comments enraged Sheehan supporter Dee Ann Heath, who said she has two sons serving in Iraq and another preparing to leave.

E-NOUGH! That is the biggest load of B.S. and I can’t believe these people continue to spout it after all this time. Voicing disapproval for the war is not treason.

If you support the Bush administration, do so. But if your only “support” is to try to tell your opponents they shouldn’t be voicing their Constitutionally given right to Free Speech, then you really need to look at the viability of your stance, how much true reason there is to support it. Telling people to shut up is not support because it does not give any reason for why the war was a good idea and why it should continue.

Protesting the war does not harm the troops. It does not express support for terrorists, let alone “aid and abet” them, it does not effect our military supply lines nor does it insult our military personnel’s risk, hard work and sacrifice. If you want an insult to the troop sacrifice, why don’t you talk to the Bush administration about their attempts to cut the benefits to family’s with service men/women over seas and the cuts to Veterans benefits. Not to mention the equipment that was promised our personnel and never delivered. That’s an insult to their sacrifice, not protesting the waste of their lives. If you want insult to the sacrifice of *any* American Military personnel, attempt deny American’s their right to free speech. That’s not just insulting to them, it’s insulting to every American who has severed to protect this countries liberties and the country as a whole.

If you support the war, support it, give reasons for it, express the goals it hopes to attain. Do not trample on other’s First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America rights.


Congrats to JR Motorsports for getting the Navy sponsorship for their new #88 Busch ride next year.


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