Kip's Commentary

80% Attitude by Volume. P.S. All original comentary and content Copyright 2005, 2006 :P

Location: Somewhere, North Carolina, United States

“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot.” ~ D.H. Lawrence

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Animal Planet


Seemingly in answer to my recent post about sharks, the Smith has an article in the most recent issue illustrating the extinction two dozen shark species are facing and the impact that over-fishing has had on species as a whole. Because prejudice against them, in wasn’t until the 1990’s that fishermen in the U.S. were encouraged not to kill sharks and even now, despite protection of many nations, there is no fleet in the world to stop smaller countries from killing tens of thousands of sharks in international waters.

While you heartless bastards are snorting in contempt about the extinction of such a dangerous animal, listen to this statistic:

“The mere prospect of a chance encounter with a shark is nightmarish. Never mind that on average, for every American killed by a shark, 37 are killed by snakes and 45 by pet dogs.”

I’ll be over to off Fluffy shortly.

Just kidding. :)

Whether you think they are cute and fluffy or not the fact is between the endangerment of toothed whales, sharks and the reduction in seal populations, all the top predators in the ocean are on the edge. Mankind may like fish, but he only likes selected fish, which he repeatedly over fishes whatever is trendy at the moment, continuing to unbalance the system. When you remove all the top predators in an ecosystem, you throw the entire system out of whack. Populations of species lower on the food chain will bloom, created overfeeding and possibly destruction of the species below them and followed by the eventual die off as the over-populous species starves when their food resource is exhausted. And that’s just the simplest scenario.

The article also points out that research on shark is relatively recent and highlights the many discoveries that have been made about not only their biology, but their behavior and intelligence.

It’s a very worth article everyone should read.

In the meantime, I am going to add the Ocean Conservancy to my list of links on the side there.

This issue also celebrate the anniversary of the end of WWII with reminiscences from readers and looks into the recent discoveries of the bronze age graves near Stonehenge, among other things.

Love the Smith.


Not surprising, but damn it...

Bolton Appointment to the U.N.

“Yet while Democrats called him "damaged goods," his fellow diplomats played down the fact that he was the first U.S. recess appointment in the 60-year history of the United Nations. They said Bush's backing was far more important, and just hoped Bolton would reach out to them rather than trying to get what he wants alone.”

If you can’t beat ‘em….. Wait till they leave the room and do it anyway.



Can Some Please Tell Me…

How, during a time when our greatest export is jobs, this is “good for America”? Bush signs The Central American Free Trade Agreement (Cafta)

Can someone also tell me what it is that the Republican party stands for anymore? What “conservative” means?


Why I like California

CA Businesses Ordered to Treat “Domestic Partners" The Same as Spouses.

Not surprisingly, I’m fine with this. Arguing this over a country club may sound petty, but this will extend not only to bank loans as the article points out, but to employee benefits, an imperative part of any families support, and power of attorney in case of incapacitation due to accident or illness.

I never quite understood what the flap was about Gay Marriage. People criticize them for their “kinky promiscuous lifestyle”, yet when homosexual people attempt to make life long commitments, the same people want to deny them the right to make that commitment. Scream that they are “desecrating the institution of marriage”.

With the soaring divorce rates, my mom says straight people freak out about this because they are worried that gay people can do marriage better than they can.

Folks, Las Vegas desecrates the institution of marriage. 24 hour annulments desecrate the institution of marriage. Pre-Nuptial agreements desecrate the institution of marriage. Gay people do not harm the institution of marriage. Their being able to marry will not affect how straight people commit to one another and live out their marriages in anyway shape or form. A marriage is an agreement between two people and whatever divine being(s) they believe in (or if they are atheist, just those two people). Nobody else is involved in that. No one. Not their parents, not their friends and not the gay couple down the street. If a straight marriage fails it's because it failed, not because a couple of guys or gals got hitched. What gay people do in their marriage in none of your business and what you do in yours is none of theirs.

To deny married gay couples the same rights and opportunities that married straight couples receive is discrimination, pure and simple. I’m happy that California has taken a step forward with this.


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