Kip's Commentary

80% Attitude by Volume. P.S. All original comentary and content Copyright 2005, 2006 :P

Location: Somewhere, North Carolina, United States

“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot.” ~ D.H. Lawrence

Monday, January 24, 2005


I have been unjustly critical of the South of late, and while I tried to be “PC” about it I’m afraid some of that resentment came out in last weeks post.

I’m from New England and California. In the face of the homogenization this various regional dialects and cultures of the rest of the country are going through, the South has maintained the most slid grip on their regional individualism. However, that does make them something of an alien to me and probably to a lot of people. When I started getting into NASCAR last spring, in general I found a very friendly, open fan base. More open than I was used to in Cyberspace to be honest.

But into every life a little rain must fall and as in every group there are bad apples and I also ran into some of the most hypocritical, catty, childish, cowardly, mean-spirited, shallow, clique-y and occasionally flat-out stupid people I had ever encountered barring trolls.

I'll admit the fact that the South is gathering of Red States came into play in that as well. (I am completely bamboozled as to why people would have voted for that man last year after everything that has happened.)


Nor did it help when I asked my Boss from West Virginia what it was like she said, “You’ll be fine as long as you keep you mouth shut.”

Double Yeek!

The more encounters I had with the people the more nervous I got because, you see, I’m moving there at the end of the year to attend college. All the colleges that give degrees in my field are in the South, so I was beginning to feel quite trapped and belligerent.

But I quick talk with some close friends (O.K.,my Sister & my Dad) pointed that I seemed rather determined to hate them. In short, I was bigoted. That was a pretty cold slap in the face. Instead of allotting the bitches their proper place in the social order (outside, in the dumpster), I had fixated on them and allowed them to color my entire perception of the South. Instead of walking into a new situation open-minded and ready to explore and learn and get to know people, I had closed myself off. Not to mention falsely impugning the character of people as group rather than taking them for the individuals they are.

I was wrong. Not everyone in the South is represented by those negative people, nor are even NASCAR fans represented by those negative people, nor are even the Red States represented by those people. There are a great deal of very nice, intelligent, friendly and giving folks in the South and in the NASCASR fan base. I apologize to them for any offense I have caused.


Blogger KiplingKat said...

Well, with a acomment like that it's hard not to feel distain. I just said I knew you all weren't as stupid. My previous post pointed out the long and proud Literary tradition of the South. But for some reason that's not good enough for you, perhaps feeling a little insecure? Be as intuitive as you want, I'll go right out in the yard with you.

See you 'round the track!

March 04, 2005 11:24 PM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

Look, as cocky as my last comment was, you don't know the crap I have been through with this fan base. Belive it or not, I didn't start any of this sh*t. I express my opinion about racing and politics and *snickt*, suddenly the steel magnolias' claws came out. Now I don't do any of that catty, snide comment, let's-all-gang-up-on-the-individual, talk-behind-her-back, sideswipe-her-whenever-possible-and-then-pretend-to-be-"above-that-sort-of-thing"-and-refuse-to-have-it-out-privately-or-publically, try-to-enlist-support-against-this-person-like-its-a-gawddamn-Survivor-episode-while-we-gather-around-each-other-and-coo-hypocritical-praises BullShit that I encountered at the PitStop. (I don't have the time or the energy or the interest. I'm as direct as a 2x4.) Not all the members, just a few key ones. Those bad apples, like the bad apples currently infesting my comments section, are the kind of thing that tend to sour ones attitude toward Southern people. After encountering that one has to make a deliberate effort to remember that one is dealing with a minority that does not represent the whole. I acknowleged that, acknowleged my mistake and apologized. I dunno what else to say, I really don't, because for all the crap I have had to put up with in the Dale Jr. fanbase, I have never recieved one damn apology, ever. I'm mature enough (barely ;) ) to admit when I am wrong and apologize. I have yet to encounter anyone in the "Jr. Nation" who will do the same.

March 05, 2005 3:10 AM  
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February 26, 2016 10:43 PM  

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