Kip's Commentary

80% Attitude by Volume. P.S. All original comentary and content Copyright 2005, 2006 :P

Location: Somewhere, North Carolina, United States

“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot.” ~ D.H. Lawrence

Friday, January 14, 2005

The Energy Revolution

Outside Magazine is not just a rag for rock jocks and rugged fashionista wannabes. It also contains some pretty heavy duty journalism from reporters in the field in places like Darfur, Kasmir, and Afghanistan. They also frequently also dabble in politics, taking on environmental issues with integrity and objectivity. During the 2000 election Outside Magazine produced an issue in which the principal stories were to compare the two candidates records on environmental issues.

In the February 2005 issue, the wind surfing, kite sailing, hockey playing Senator John Kerry addresses the Outside community directly.

The spearhead of this editorial is in the final three paragraphs:

“This fight is as critical as it is symbolic. Roads, pipelines, and other developments would irreversibly damage this national treasure. President Bush and pro-drilling forces cite special-interest junk science to argue that they can limit the damage by drilling in only 2,000 acres. But oil is scattered throughout the refuge, so drilling in 2,000 acres could mean 40 separate 50-acre footprints. Even they know the line they're selling is bunk.

We can counter this by telling the truth about our energy future. We import 2.5 million barrels of oil from the politically toxic Middle East every day, and our consumption of foreign oil has risen to 55 percent. I don't want fragile and often unfriendly regimes to hold America's energy security in their hands, but we need to remind a country weary of conflict in the Middle East that drilling in the Arctic won't make a dent in our oil dependence. The U.S. Geological Survey has concluded that there are only 3.2 billion barrels of economically recoverable oil in ANWR.* That amounts to just a six-month supply for the U.S. Irreversibly damaging a truly wild place is an unacceptable price to pay for such a small payoff.

We can't drill our way to energy independence. We have to invent our way there, by harnessing the entrepreneurial spirit that made our country great. We can conserve energy and make our cars run farther on a gallon of gas. We can increase our investment in clean-energy products and create hundreds of thousands of jobs along the way. What we can't do is buy into the myth that America's energy future lies under the snow of ANWR.”

When people hear the amounts like “billions of barrels of oil” equated to 6 months or, if one takes the most hopeful numbers, 14 months, they are incredulous. “Only 6 months. Preposterous, we couldn’t possibly go through that in 6 months."

Oh yes we do. It’s not just cars people.** It’s heating homes and places of work. It’s providing fuel for trains, planes, automobiles for mass transportation. It’s providing fuels for our entire military. Think about it. Yeah, we do burn over ten million of barrels a day in oil.

How long do we think we can keep this up? It takes the planet a few eons to renew this resource; I really don’t think she can keep up with the demand.

Jared Diamond of Guns, Germs and Steel has written a new book called Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed.

I have not read the book yet myself, it just came out. But here is an excerpt of the Editorial Review:
“Collapse uses the same factors to examine why ancient societies, including the Anasazi of the American Southwest and the Viking colonies of Greenland, as well as modern ones such as Rwanda, have fallen apart. Not every collapse has an environmental origin, but an eco-meltdown is often the main catalyst, he argues, particularly when combined with society's response to (or disregard for) the coming disaster.”

At the moment this country is not just disregarding the coming disaster when the oil reserves dwindle, we are in complete sticking-our-fingers-in-our-ears-and-screaming-“LALALALALALALA!” denial.

Add to that argument the second point of Kerry’s editorial: That our dependence on oil has created a dependence on the sometimes hostile countries in the Middle East. They have us by the political short hairs and if they want to start telling us to jump, we have no choice but to ask “How high?”***

Destroying 8% of one of our largest wildlife reserves by drilling up a years supply of oil is not going to solve this problem. In two years the oil is gone, the caribou heards are decimated, the bears & wolves, falcons * snow geese are gone. The area may recover in time for our great-grandchildren, if they're lucky. And we will still be tied to foreign countries' apron strings because we need their oil.

Much of America and American politics at the moment is devoted to finding our way back to some mythic glory years in which America was an economic powerhouse and American citizens all lived in nuclear families in their own homes and went to church in their own cars (though how they plan to do this while sending jobs overseas and not stabilizing a price-ballooning housing market is beyond me).****

Oh yeah, and they were all white too.

But the sad truth is that time is linear. It’s a law of nature. We do not get to go back. We do not get to stop. Time moves forward and either we can move forward with it or get run over by other societies who understand that concept better than we.

The choice is not simply starkly clear, there is no choice. We must find embrace alternative means of powering our cars, heating our homes and workplaces, flying our planes (though I imagine that one will take more time) and so on. In the meantime, write to your Senators and Congressman or Congresswoman to block drilling in the ANWR.

This country achieved greatness because it embraced the Industrial Revolution. To remain great we must embrace the Energy Revolution.

* This is the low end of the estimate. You can read the summary of the U.S. Geological Survey here at

** How Much Gasoline Does America Use?

*** The oil company execs and their pet Government officals may enjoy that sort of thing ("Oo baby! Harder!"), but we won't.

**** The joke is that if you talk to those that lived through those years, they were not “Leave It To Beaver”. “Good old days? *snort*” would be my Grandfather's typical response.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am feeling "hermitty", so i decided to stay home tonight (sigh) and on the off-chance whimsically decided to see how exactly you managed to piss some psychos off. so please excuse the tardiness on the comments. :)

i just wanted to say, the stalker was a history major, and once during a debate i mentioned the book "guns, germs, and steel" (which i have yet to finish). he immediately became scornful and nasty, saying he had spent an entire semester learning all about how that book was a pack of lies.


it is not without precedent that a school's curriculum could be dedicated to debunking an unprofitable theory: five minutes in any of my economics seminars would have amply demonstrated an almost personal hatred of adam men whose parents nearly killed themselves to get them to america, where they wouldn't live as sweatshop slaves anymore. (sigh again)

i think it's due to the "liberal" bias in colleges in the '60's (aren't you jealous we missed them? they are mentioned by the same fuckers who hate "our kind" so often) the counterculture got it's biggest push from colleges (see also french revolution and some other stuff) so the rich little assholes got together and started handing out endowments (hey...that's how *I* got to go to college) contingent upon the curriculum being less activist, more middle-management.

pay to play? i guess.

so now, not content to just rewrite economic theory, they are in fact rewriting history.

if any thoughts to this... i'll never find this again, so maybe just holla somewhere or give me a link. sheesh.

copywrite 2006. do not use without permission.

June 29, 2006 10:13 PM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

I hope you can find this again, given what is going on I can't say that I am in the mood to put up any personal informaiton or leave direction to our personal conversations lying around.

Well, other than the fact that he is outright wrong about Diamond's work (his head must have exploded with "Collapse"), I have to say I am now mystified. Was this argument over on Jade's blog? And I missed this? Who is it?

June 30, 2006 9:00 AM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

P.S. Glad you played hooky, sounded like you really needed it.

June 30, 2006 10:54 AM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

Further to point on stalkers "pack of lies", I don't think any college professor worth his salt, or any college for that matter, has a semester long class on "How Jared Diamond's work is a pack of lies." Maybe it was a Doctoral seminar or something. ;)

From what I have seen, Diamond's work is very well researched and his theories are well supported....which is just very depressing. Actually, my Uni held an afternoon roundtable to discuss "Collapse" and pretty much everyone walked out very dperessed.

June 30, 2006 11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"pretty much everyone walked out depressed"...

HA! ah, college.i miss it so...until i think about what it was really like to be there...

i meant *my* "real life". the same one who bitched and moaned throughout tristan and isolde. he was only a history major in undergrad, going to a cheap-ass local school. (yeah, i picked a winner there...but i did make it clear that i had never wanted to go out with him, he just kept coming around for over 6 months and finally i just gave in and went on a few dates...then the REAL troubles began) so maybe it's just at a school with no reputation anyway.

but he did get all quotey about it, saying that basically there is an entire organization out to prove diamond's theories wrong. so my question is: why? where's the profit? book sales a la davinci code? is riding on someone's coattails just to slander them the new way to get famous?

just like i'm still wondering about your "fan": why? what did it gain for them? no one wastes that much time unless it profits them somehow... or unless they are truly, disturbingly insane. both options are bad, to be honest. who would gain from some lame attempt to make our not-even-interesting conversations public knowledge? i don't think the public gave a rats ass before or after it was up on another you? it's not like they couldn't have found it. and i wasn't ashamed of anything i said...except maybe the insult to t, which i had later rethought anyway. (and people should be encouraged to change their opinions, not die by the sword. i mean, i'm pretty mellow, generally...downright zen compared to the little snipes just aching for someone to fight with) as far as the rest of the stuff whoever-the-hell felt warranted copy-pasting into new, senseless conversations so that they could then highlight it like an angry 2nd grade teacher is concerned, i'm not ashamed of what i *actually said*, nor embarassed, nor have i changed my mind.

but i don't expect that to be front-page news, either. who cares, you know?

so what was the goal? that's the question that stays with me. were we supposed to be embarassed? threatened? terrified into submission? submission to what? the first message said they wanted an apology: what for? what the hell did they prove? were they successful in proving it, and i just missed that part? i don't get it at all.

i just don't need attention from crazy you could probably guess from "stalker" story above, i have plenty of them lurking in my real life already. so my only concern is that somehow some idiot is going to get it into his inbred brain that some girl disrespected joonyer and then i'll have a whole new can o' worms to deal with.

i never made it personal with anyone, i would at least expect the same respect. but someone went out of their way to attract *my* notice...for what? if i could understand the motivation, my interest in this would disappear it should.

-----t.m.i. alert
in real life, by the way, it seems that no girl can choose to be single/dating casually without inspirng hatred from guys you say "no" to, or jealousy from girls who think you're after their man...even if you've never met him, couldn't pick him out of a line-up, blah blah... i was engaged for 7 intense (bi-polar is more the word here) years...i'm in no hurry to get serious again, so why do people think i would amuse myself by wrecking other people's relationships? or for that matter, why do these unattractive, drunken losers think i'd be all hot for casual hook-ups with them? i haven't gotten that desperate yet...maybe a few more years, guys? i dunno, but everything i do that is nice is "too" nice, and everything i do that is friendly/disinterested is snotty, bitchy, and condescending. am i supposed to be mean?
so...hence the "hermitty". i've gotten tired of the drama everytime i walk into a bar or club lately. it doesn't help that a local reporter (diffferent pape) has complimented me in his column...nevermind that he's married, has kids, and i grew up knowing his lovely, sweet wife - i simply *must* be a whore. in this small town, no news travels faster. the poor guy was trying to be nice, but now it's a "thing". (and the best at spreading it are the guys who didn't get anywhere with you...which is another mystery for the fucking ages. does that make them look better? i'd think it would be worse...if it were true!)

short answer: i have too much drama in my real life to tolerate any more. if it takes a complete withdrawal from commenting anywhere, fine. but i don't want to hear about "freedom of speech" from anyone who lets the Brownshirts make that freedom not only unwise but basically untenable. it's his blog. he needs to decide, and then follow-up. apparently, not everyone can play nicely together. I know for damn sure that's not my fucking fault. i've been good. certainly no one complained in a constructive way, they just took potshots from behind anonymous and ever-changing nicknames that created a lot of smoke with no fire.

if those are the typical fans, i don't want to be one. i have other hobbies, and not-exactly unlimited $. nothing against the sport, but if this is the culture, to F1 i go, baby.

ha ha ha. not that i could afford tix to THAT. (sigh)

have a good one...

copywrite 2006. do not use without permission.

June 30, 2006 3:06 PM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

Oh, he was probably talking about “Savage Minds” , it’s not really an organization so much as a group anthropology blog. A couple people there took issue with some of the points and techniques in the book, but they are hardly an “organization out to disprove Diamonds work.”

Like any good theory, Diamond has sparked debate and there are people in academia that have taken stances against it. That’s to be expected with any new theory (though it is just a new twist on environmental determinism which is over 100 years old I think). You can get a brief overview of the debate here:

I will note that environmental determinism has been “out” for a while so Guns, Germs and Steel may just be suffering from an intellectually-fashionable backlash.

I think Diamond has some very good observations. My whole thing with any all encompassing theory is that people being what they are, it’s impossible to say that any development is due solely to *this* or *that*. It’s probably both and the other one, and that one over there, and some things we haven’t even thought of yet.

I’m sorry, I got the stalkers confused. I hope that one is staying far, far away or is this the one you are Karmically trying to get square with? I don’t understand the internet stalker either, but then most trolls just want to matter to someone, anyone, even if it is in a negative fashion. They want to know they have control over someone. I think the whole idea was to get us on the defensive. To rattle our cages and make us trying to “explain ourselves” which would have then opened up the opportunity for further ridicule…or at least that was probably what they were thinking was going to happen. Unfortunately for Pontius the only way to do that would be to deconstruct what we said, they weren’t clever enough to take us on intellectually.

I don’t think either of us has anything to apologize for. As a friend who watched this whole exchange said, “Well, you’re just going through what every public figure goes through: examination of every little thing you said.” If anything, the little twat gave us free publicity, but the truth is I don’t think anyone really cares and given the content, the only comments he is going to get on his blog from the random passer by are going to involve recommendation for psychiatric care for Mr. Pilate.

RE: TMI. As a culture, Americans have lost the understanding of solitude, which used to be a very large part of the frontier mentality that made us so distinctly American. No noe understands being alone anymore. It is the general assumption of the male half of the species that all women cannot live without a mate and are desperately hunting for a husband, ergo you must want to hook up with drunken losers because you have no one else. It is the understanding of a large majority of women that all women must be as desperate for a mate as their insecure selves and ergo, all single women must be after their man. *rolls eyes* Don’t ask me why, I have no clue. Americans used to be able to handle being on our own, not a nation of co-dependants projecting our insecurities onto others.

Man, that sucks about the fellow journalist. It’s hard to sit through the rumor mill, I know. But as long as the people that matter in the equation: You, him, his wife, know there was nothing but innocent goodwill behind it, I’d try and let it slide off your back. It will pass when someone else does something remotely out of the ordinary to cause the rumor mill to shift focus to them.

If I have learned anything in the last two years is that men can be very mean. I know that is a trait commonly attributed to women, but when men feel their manhood has been dissed ro threatened, they can be just as catty as any 17 year old cheerleader. It’s just the environment you are in right now, gentlemen are pretty thin on the ground to begin with and it sounds like moving back home has only lessened the population density. Well, surrounded by guys like that you will definitely not be temped to jump into a relationship anytime soon.

Trying to see the bright side here…

Re: I think Jade has made his choice: No drama and he’s willing to bow to the demands of the masses to get it. Well, he’s media/marketing. It’s hardly shocking. I do find it very amusing that when Mr. Freedom of Speech censured Adam yet again for touting his Lingerie’ Football League and suggested he create his own blog around it, he wasn’t simply not attacked for it, he was praised. Which just goes to shows what the entire thing was about: Payback for the fact that when Jade’s blog opened up and political arguments took place: we actually knew what we were talking about and they didn’t.

More of that visceral fandom again.

I hope you are feeling better after you day of hooky, it sounded like it was sorely needed. Have a nice night!

June 30, 2006 4:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i missed the lingerie football blog redux, unless it was the one from weeks ago. but whatever. maybe people think that kinda thing is what is needed to get a reaction from jade now? in which case, he'll soon be very sorry he didn't put a stop to THAT. i feel bad for the guy, honestly.

but then again, he is being just the tiniest bit weaselly about this. a simple comment, from "jade", saying "this type of comment 'go shoot yourself in the head' is not acceptable on this comment section" and been specific about what was wrong without giving anyone the attention they so obviously crave, but still put a stop to the argument before 3 people were like "he's yelling at kip" and 10 people were like "he's sick of victoria" and on and on...make it a little clearer, without being abrasive about it.

although...i'm sure that would have blown up in his face eventually, what do i know? he *could* have said "vic, d2, kip, jyd, and cyn - you DO know that brevity is the soul of wit...right?" and i for one would have gotten that point in a hurry. no hard feelings. no more "private" "cliquey" convos...just comments on the blog. but if he liked where we went with it sometimes, but still hung us out to dry...that's just weaselly. it's his "domain" (literally and figuratively) own it, but control it, too.

we'll play by the rules...once they exist.

i just find it hard to believe it was all political in nature. what did that prove besides the fact that they are sneaky and meanspirited? is that like a recruitment tactic i never dreamed of? tha fuck?

for the record, the ex in question (history major, scary, stalker, mood swings, loser-extraordinaire, mamas-boy) is the one i only dated for a few weeks and changed my number afterward; the ex-fiancee was a good-looking, 6'4", italian, swedish & cherokee, computer genius who made 6 figures, travelled the world, and thought i'd make a dear little wife to take to company functions and keep house - while he had a different psycho girlfriend in paris, hong kong, geneva (he liked them "troublesome" - because that's more "exciting")... i want to pay him back to prove i don't need his dumb, selfish ass around to have a great life...all by me ownsome. i want every dollar to remind him of everything that can't be bought.

basically, i want him to choke on it.

as for karma...well, i don't want to owe, or be owed, anymore. i'll buy my own car (check!) pay my own bills (check!) pay for my own travel (check! check!) and soon, buy my own house (i hope!) in the meantime, i did not have to actually part ways with my soul just to have a life to be proud of...which will take him years to figure out, sadly. and, i can pick a guy to love based on more than his wallet... which is all he'll ever be to the type of woman who'd put up with his selfish ass now. he was *lucky* to find a girl as naive as i was. his luck's run out.

enough of this.

as for t.m.i.: believe me, the reporter, his wonderful wife (they're older, and when i was about 13 and she was early 20's, i was like completely in awe of how pretty she was and how beautifully she sang...i never thought i'd be cool as that...and i was right! dammit!) and i all know there's nothing to the hubbub. so do most of the people who know any One of the 3. most people's reactions to the article were overwhelmingly positive: they could see what he was trying to do, which was encourage me to take more risks and endure the attention from it. even my editor was like "that's so nice to say!" everyone at work was happy.
he was trying to encourage me to, to borrow a phrase, "stop hiding behind the unworthy" and grab some attention, already. i have a lot of ideas and plans, but i always throw my energy behind someone else. but you can't imagine how terrified i am of that schtuff, so this response was like the worst possible for me and my little issues. that's why being "hermitty" isn't such a great plan. i'm supposed to work on being more outgoing. everyone has been telling me in the last 6 months how great it is that i'm finally coming out of my shell (if i hear that expression once more) and to keep it up. so now, this is the first test, and it came from 2 directions at once. i just have to ignore it and keep going, i guess.

i wouldn't say i'm shy or anything...just not very adventurous in one sense. jump out of a plane? done it. moved to nyc without $, friends, or safety net? sure. i've bungee-jumped, went to school in a different country, skied, swam, danced, blabity blah, travelled with strangers while taking care of their kids...all impossible if you're shy or timid. i just wouldn't do anything that might get me attention, i hated it. so i kept my mouth shut and just relied on a string of unreliable, yet fun, friends to do all the talking. but that gets you into trouble you can't even imagine; and even if it wasn't your idea, it's still *your* fault. now i'm speaking for myself, and it's problematic. it was much easier to hide out, and i was good at it. but it's dishonest, and cowardly.

just like it was much easier to get into political debate over the anonymous internet, than say, the local pub. but just look how that ended!

i give up. i just attract certain kinds of attention no matter what, so i might as well learn to handle it better. it's just going to take practice, like everything else.

then once i'm good at it no one will care anymore anyway. the irony! but my friend brett insists i'm the perfect political wife, so if he runs, he wants to marry me (an "open" marriage haha. McGreevey II!) so maybe it'll come in handy then?

no, i'm not serious. although the perks of political wifedom are compelling...

it's always good to have a plan B!

copywrite 2006. do not use without permission.

June 30, 2006 8:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay, caught the lingerie at last, i have a clue what's going on.

it won't last, so don't fear - i'll be cluelessly rambling again in no time. (yippee skippee)

was just thinking how tragic/hilarious the line "i'm sorry, i got the stalkers confused" is. yeah, and if i had a $ for every time i heard THAT...

enjoy your 4th!

July 01, 2006 7:39 PM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

Well it looks like Jade has decided to deal with the Adam problem by being even weasely-er/more harsh(unless he hashed it out with the kid via e-mail). He’s just culled (deleted) three of Adam spam posts. Ooh boy.

I don’t know if it’s political so much as “Wah! You beat us in an argument! Wah! You’re mean! Wah! I hate you! Wah!” (I used to have the perfect emoticon for crybabies) What shocks me (and makes me question me theory) is that they would hang onto it for so long.

Though my comments of “Boo-Fuckin-Hoo. Life’s tough, get a helmet” at the time probably didn’t smooth over any personal issues. *chuckle*

Re: Your Ex (the philandering one), sadly guys like that never do figure it out, they just drift from new woman to new woman, dumping each as she gets wise and stops enabling him. I’m sorry you went through that, but good for you on living your own life, paying your own bills and finding out that selling one soul is not necessary to have a fulfilling life.. *Yea!*

On that note: I have been accepted into the SEA Semester program for this winter: (Oct thru December) . Six weeks in Woods Hole and six weeks sailing to Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic and Montserrat to study changes in the Caribbean since colonization.

Re: The article. You’re reporter friend was right. You are one of the most witty and intelligent women I have ever met. You bring a lot of knowledge and new perspective to the table and I think it is time you get out there and grab some of that limelight. I might have said this before, but a quote I read recently was “He had many friends. He made enemies too, but what worthwhile person doesn’t?” If you stick it out there, someone is going to disagree. The questions is: Are they saying something valid, or are you merely the target for all the pathetically petty frustrations in their life? If you’re just a target, whatever. Let it roll off you. You’re living a life people dream of. I know it’s really over burdened right now: but you’re a reporter! You write and it’s get published. People read you! That’s so infinitely cool. A lot cooler than losers who have nothing more in their life and spew venom.

It’s next to impossible to shake that sort of thing off entirely, but you can weigh: My life: fulfilling vs. their criticism: petty which means their life: sucks, and file it in the appropriate emotional round file. I don’t think it’s ever stops stinging, but I think one can learn to evaluate it appropriately and not hang onto it.

If I don't gt another chance to say so: Happy 4th of July!

July 03, 2006 3:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so lame, but...

For the record? i dumped HIM.

OKay, back to being (somewhat) adult.

(no idea why that would bug me, it just did. moving on now, honestly)

July 06, 2006 1:14 PM  
Blogger KiplingKat said...

Oh, sorry. I never thought otherwise. I'm sorry if implied that you were one of the run of the mill women in anyway. :)

How was your 4th?

July 06, 2006 1:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4th was boring. restful. the secondary and tertiary jobs were closed and too crowded, respectively, so i laid about. watched LOST season1. reclined. ate pizza. lounged. went for a run, in the rain. the storms did what storms do every few hours or so. (How to tell a local, step 1: my friend sean was like "the lightning behind the fireworks was one of the most beautiful things i've ever seen!" tourists: "it rained, can i have my money back?")

i watched lord of the rings, because i'm always like "when will i ever have time to watch this long-ass movie?" well, guess what?

it felt good to be so lazy. i should have called out yesterday, though. not in a "this day sucks, i wish i'd never gotten out of bed!" way, just in a keep-a-good-thing-going-until-completion way. i needed 1 more day to get back to where i need to be. wow, that makes it sound like i didn't work at all, when in reality i worked every day since saturday at the station, so it's not like i had off. i just worked only 1 job per day.

i did see some ricky bobby contraband. christ, that movie is fucking funny. anchorman was only funny in parts, so i expected more of the same. this caused actual stomach pain. the whole "tom cruise, use your witchcraft to save me" sequence is funny on so many levels... (i wonder if became friends with nicole kidman on bewitched, and just threw that in there? or even better: is tomkat so ripe for the picking, it doesn't matter anymore?) either way, the actual scene is fucking hilarious. that just stuck in my head, because it was at that point i was going blind and had to look away to protect myself from death by laughter.

did *not* see whole thing, sadly. i may have to actually pay to watch.

got off-topic, have not mentioned over-whelming bitterness and jealousy over semester at sea. WENCH! now if you get kidnapped by vikings/pirates, you will officially have stolen my dream! (my dream looks unfortunately like every harlequin romance novel ever, doesn't it? that's so sad.) anyway, never trust a sailor! and take notes of the kidnapping: if it won't work as a seedy tell-all or today-show-friendly-disaster-memoir, it'll certainly sell to those sad-sacks at harlequin (and shut up!).

try to wear things that have a "bodice" in them, as that will help in every eventuality.

also, a thought on seaworthiness: "heaving" is GOOD for bosoms, BAD for damsels. begin watching "bourne supremacy", "blair witch", and "run lola run" to build up an endurance to motion sickness. (or just play 1st person v.g., like Doom.) ((repeat to self that karl urban played in bourne, and the doom movie, and was a psuedo-viking/anglo-saxon/cavalry MAN in lotr. envy his sig.oth the endless options there. i know i do. you'll be too busy drooling to puke.))

good luck! should you happen to commandeer the ship, swing by the cape and i'll crew for awhile, take some pictures...i know some people we can burn and pillage. this will be the best summer vacay ever!

after you mentioned jadebloggia, i went over and, um, commented. i'm weak. anyway, i noticed on the newest he just yelled at adam. he deleted 1 of my ocmments last year, i wonder if it was over the top or just near something that was? oh well, so now it's gone from weaselly to more up front. i guess adam didn't take the hint, and forced his hand. it's a shame, since i kind of like the surgical removing of comments that might cause issues without additonal drama and lectures, but i know you didn't. honestly, i no longer have any idea how he *should* handle it. it seems everyway is wrong lately. no sooner does he decide on 1 way for 1 person, than another pops up with with the opposite problem.

people suck.

except the promoter promising me free libations if i attend an event tonight. as we speak. i love this job. do i want to go to a concert with a hot bad-boy rock star who's a bonafied hasselhoff-level celebrity in germany (woohoo!) and wants to buy me sweet, sweet booze just to attend and maybe review his latest cd? do I? geeze, and i was gonna tackle that hall closet tonight...decisions...

have a happy!

copywrite 2006. do not use without permission.

July 06, 2006 4:08 PM  
Blogger oakleyses said...

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