Kip's Commentary

80% Attitude by Volume. P.S. All original comentary and content Copyright 2005, 2006 :P

Location: Somewhere, North Carolina, United States

“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot.” ~ D.H. Lawrence

Friday, October 20, 2006

BOO! ~ Vote Early, Vote Terrified

O.K. I spent this week hip deep in Australopithecines, which hopefully garnered me an “A” on the exam. This weekend I will be neck deep in Russian and the Roman Republic for exams next week.

Things are getting pretty crazy.

So first of all…

From One Quagmire to Another

The GOP’s bin Laden add is amusing to no end, not only for it’s homage to Lyndon Johnson (since we all know how successful Johnson's war efforts were), but for the reason that despite the fact that they have been in control the entire time since the 9-11 attacks…


Does anyone find this obscenely distastefully hypocritically hilarious but me?

I mean, it almost lends credence to all those conspiracy nuts who believe the government created bin Laden to keep Americans afraid.

I don’t believe that, but I find it idiotic to the extreme that the Republican party expects the American people to vote for them while waving evidence of their naked incompetence in our faces.

If they are “out to kill us all”, as the GOP is shrieking to the heavens, why in the name of Gawd should we elect a party that has proven completely incompetent at stopping terrorism and has in fact, led the country into a war that has created more terrorists than ever before?

I'm not saying vote Democrat, I'm just sayin' don't belive the hype people.


I ask again, when did we become the world's largest group of pussies?

Last week Our Beloved President said in defense of his blatant scare tactics, said “I'm going to tell you that there's an enemy out there that would like to do harm again to the United States, because we're in a war. And they have objectives. They want to -- they want to drive us out of parts of the world…”

Excuse me, can anyone tell me if there has been any point in our nation’s History where we haven’t had someone that wanted to harm the United States and, once we got around to expanding our influence beyond our borders, wanted to drive us out of parts of the world in order to establish their own influence?

Take your time, I’ll wait.

*cricket chirping*

….24 hours later….

*crickets still chirping*


That just sort of part of being a Nation.

There was once a wise man or woman who said, and I paraphrase vastly, “If you don’t have any enemies, you haven’t stood for anything.”* And in fact, I distinctly have this memory of growing up in a world where a large number of people wanted to hurt us and check our international influence, one of those huuuge nations and all it’s satellites….and they had a well-armed military and nuclear weapons...yeah…now what was their name again?

Yeah, the U.S.S.R. and the Communist Bloc, yeah that's right...

So you will excuse me if I am not squealing like a swine in fear, running to the polls to vote the way a commercial tells me I should vote because “They’re gonna get you if you don’t vote Republican!” just because the Republicans haven’t been able to stop a bunch of murderous thugs with improvised weapons and strategies yet!

(*It may be this quote I am thinking of: "A man's greatness can be measured by his enemies." ~ Don Piatt


"In order to have an enemy, one must be somebody. One must be a force before he can be resisted by another force.“ ~ Anne Sophie Swetchine

That’s going to bother me all night…

But here is another excellent quote about enemies:

“Our real enemies are the people who make us feel so good that we are slowly, but inexorably, pulled down into the quicksand of smugness and self-satisfaction." ~ Sydney Harris)

The Pilot Report

Is The World Edible?

Film at 11.

Hey, It's the #19!

I forgot to mention a Kudos to the booth last weekend on the vastly improved coverage of Elliott's car. It's nice to hear what is actually going on with him.
